Slip p3

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The gathered group were startled from their attempts to calm Ethan, as they heard quiet sobs gradually getting louder.

They turned curiously and were shocked to see Stiles rubbing at his eyes with bunched up fists and his hand cupping his blood covered cheek.

Lydia moves over to try and comfort him, or calm him down- none of them really sure of what was happening. Stiles NEVER cried. Even with broken bones, he would just laugh through the pain and go to Melissa.

Lydia sat next to him slowly, reaching out to rub his shoulder. She was shocked and stood quickly when Stiles flinched away from her and started crying louder, entering into hysterics.

"M-m-me-e n-no wan-t chew-wy... no wan'!" Stiles moved back in the seat, curling into himself.

Lydia gave the others a wide eyed look and backed away slowly, so as not to further startle Stiles.

The group moved slightly away and began to speak quietly.

"What's happening? I don't understand. Why did he react so badly to me?" Lydia asked to the group in general.

Derek thought for a moment. "Well, has anyone here ever seen Stiles upset? I mean, we have no idea what he's been like when he's been upset in the past."

Scott nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, I've known him for a long time, years in fact, and I've never seen him cry. He's always only smiled, no matter what."

Malia sent him an accusing look, "you never found that strange?"

"Not really, I just figured he was a happy guy." Scott replied sheepishly.

She groaned in frustration, "you're useless, Scott."

He looked offended but didn't refute her words.

"Anyone have any ideas on how to calm him down? Mr.Argent?" Isaac asked before noticing that Allison's dad was looking at Stiles thoughtfully.

"I think I have an idea." Chris spoke vaguely and the others waited for him to elaborate.

When he didn't continue, Jackson groaned and glared softly in his direction.

"Gonna tell us about it?"

Chris turned his head towards them, eyes still fixed on Stiles.


There were a collection of aggravated, exasperated and annoyed sounds from the group.

He ignored them though and moved towards Stiles, crouching down on his knees about 4 feet away.

"Hey, Stiles, are you hurting?" He spoke softly but his words also sounded vaguely firm.

Stiles cried louder and nodded his head, yes.

Chris hummed in thought before moving a foot closer, deciding not to go any nearer as he could tell that it would just distress the boy even more.

"Tell me what happened."

Stiles looked up shakily, removing his hand from his cheek to wipe his nose on his sleeve, before returning it to its place, covering the bloody cut.

Chris winced slightly as he saw how deep it was, it wasn't severe but it wasn't mild either. The boy had been caught on Ethan's claw and it had scratched about 5-6 multimeters deep, curving right up the side of his face.

He ignored the startled gasps and growl from behind him- the others having seen the cut that they previously thought was a LOT smaller.

Stiles opened his mouth to speak and stuttered his explanation between gasps of pain and tears.

"C-C-Chew-wy wak-ed m-me an-and shout-ted a-a-and b-but-t-th-head g-got mean-y th-then dumdum c-c-cut m-me and I-I-I-I h-h-hurt!" He broke into strong hysterics as he finished. His emotions were really worked up and he couldn't stop crying anymore.

"Okay Stiles." Chris thought for a moment. "Do you want anyone?"

Stiles nodded repeatedly as he shakily looked around the room before crying even louder when he didn't find the person he wanted.

"I-I w-want D-Daddy!!" Chris nodded at Stiles' response and stood from where he was crouched, going back over to the group.

As he reached the group he saw several of them pulling out their phones.

Scott spoke to the group as he dialled his phone, holding it to his ear.

"If he wants his dad then we get him his dad." The others nodded in agreement but Chris had a hunch that this was something else. He wasn't sure what, but, getting the Sheriff just seemed a little too obvious.

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