Please don't let him see me! Please don't let him see me! Pleeeeease don't let him see me! Then Harry heard someone sit in the seat next to him and he peered over the books and saw Louis.

Louis waved at him and slightly smiled. "Hello there." Harry just looked at his eyes. They were one of the prettiest shades of blue. They reminded Harry of the sea. A nice clean sea. Harry must not have noticed he was staring. "Hello? Styles? What are you staring at?" Louis waved his hand in his face. Louis chuckled a bit. "What's the matter Styles? Cat got your tongue?"

"No I was just thinking." Harry turned around and felt his face glowing red. He heard Louis chuckle. Stop blushing Harry! The voice in his head came back. He sighed. It wasn't that easy.


School was over and Harry was on his way home. He kept his head down. He didn't want anyone to see him. Especially Louis. Harry got his phone. He saw a message from an unknown number. It read: I didn't mean to be so much of a jerk. I guess I never realizes you had feelings Harry...X

Harry was confused. What? How did someone get my number? The only person who has it is Liam. And he wasn't at school today. Harry thought and thought the whole way home on who it was before texting back. He put: Hey I guess it's alright. uh who are you and how did you get my number? xx

Harry looked around before walking into his house. He gently closed the door and took a deep breath and looked around praying that no one was home. He heard someone coming down the hallway. He froze and stopped and his eyes went wide. "HAROLD?" Harry started to walk the opposite way but he heard feet running after him. He felt someone grab the back of his shirt and pull him down. He fell onto the ground and looked up and took a deep breath as he started to get kicked repeatedly in the stomach. "THIS IS FOR YOUR MOM HAROLD! FELL MY PAIN YOU DISAPPOINTMENT! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" Harry started to cry and finally he felt himself get kicked in the eye and heard his father retreat down the hall. Harry slowly sat up tears rolling down his face uncontrollably. He got up and slowly limped to his room dragging his book bag behind him.

Why does he hate me so much? I didn't chose mum to leave him! And where is mum? She said she would come back for me! What if she never does? What if she forgot about me? What if?

Harry's thoughts were interrupted by a vibration in his book bag. Harry got to his room quickly and locked the door and threw his book bag on his bed. He opened the book bag and grabbed his phone. He had a text it said: Oh it's Louis. I'm sorry Styles I didn't mean to say what I said earlier. X

Harry kinda smiled a bit. It's okay Louis. No one hardly knows me anyways, besides Liam. Xx

Within seconds he texted back. Well that can change Styles. I would like to get to know you. At least not at school. How about I come over for a bit? X

Harry froze. Louis couldn't come over! His dad could abuse him. That would go perfectly well. Um how about we meet at the park? My house isn't a really good place. Sorry. But hopefully the park will work? Xx

Sure the park will work. X

Awesome what time then? Xx

How about now Styles I'm wating outside your house! X

Harry's eyes went wide and he screamed, "WHAT! NO!" Harry screamed and pulled on his hair. What was Louis doing outside his house? Probably eaiting to beat him up! How could I have trusted him? "AAAHHH!" Harry screamed and pulled on his hair again and sighed. Ugh! I guess I will have to go. Harry fixed his hair and took a deep breath and opened his window and looked out. No one was around so he hopped out and landed awkwardly on his right ankle. He winced and put his sunglasses on to hide his black eye his father gave him earlier. He walked around the house and saw a black car. That must be Louis. He saw someone wave at him and he got in and he felt himself blush a little.

"Took long enough Styles!"

"Yeah 'cause I had to jump out a window." Louis chuckled a little. "No I am not kidding." Harry looked at him. His eyes still the pretty shade of blue they always have been. "Why would you jump out the window?" Harry smile disappeared of his face and he looked down and twiddled his fingers. "Styles is something wrong? You can tell me. Is there a reason why you don't want us to meet up here?" Harry opened his mouth like he was going to say something but nothing came out. Louis leaned back in his seat. "Please Styles[ you can tell me. I'm not as bad as everyone thinks. I have a heart you know. Not just hot air is in my head. I have feelings too." Harry looked at Louis and chuckled a little bit. "I'm serious though Harry. You can tell me. I swear I won't tell a soul."

Harry nodded and took a deep breath. "Alright Louis I will but I think it's easier I showed you at the park." Louis nodded and turned the key and began to drive off. Harry looked out the window and watched the tree go by and got a little nervous. He was sitting in the car with his own bully. But that was beside the point. Louis was also his biggest crush. He has fallen in love with him when they first started school together. Harry frowned. Why couldn't Louis be nice like this all the time and not just out of school? What does he have to lose? Nothing. He's got everything you want. All except the other half of him. Rumors were going around about Eleanor and him but Louis strongly denied it. Harry's eyes went wide when the park flew past.

"Louis? Where are we going?! You said the park!" Harry turned and looked at him.

"I did. But I have a feeling you don't want people to know your secret so we're going to my house instead."

Hope you liked it more to come :) Working on it everyone :D Enjoy. More Larry to come. But what will Louis think of Harry's secrets? Will Harry tell Louis he likes him?

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