Chapter 18: Andy

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"Our Queen has returned!" the announcer's voice exclaimed.

Mara's eyes scanned the crowd of overly dressed rich jerks. She did a double-take when she saw where Pablo, Castar, Carmen, and I were chained up. Her expression stayed completely calm, but her eyes flashed with anger. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides.

The announcer dismissed all of the fighters, then grinned. "Now, my dear masked friends," she continued to the audience, "before our main event, we have a couple of new friends with us." Her grin turned cruel. "Guards bring out our first guest."

One of the men next to me shoved me forward.

I had no choice but to make my way to the center of the arena.

The announcer's smile never wavered. "Do you have anything to say to the crowd?" she asked, pointing her microphone at me.

"Go to hell," I growled.

She chuckled. "Thanks, Sweetheart. Now, everyone, please thank my friend here for participating. It's time we start our first game, Raging Bull!"

I was shoved onto the ground, then blindfolded. I didn't even try to resist. I knew that if I did, it would end up worse than if I just complied.

The announcer took my chin in her hand. "Now that you're blindfolded, my Sweet Bull," she said in a sultry tone, "I'll explain the rules. For fifteen minutes, you'll have to block and evade the attacks of others coming at you. You may not see anything, and you mustn't try to remove your restraints either. Do you understand?"

I grunted in reply.

The crowd roared with approval.

"Let the games begin!" the announcer exclaimed.

And just like that, I was alone.

The feeling was somewhat liberating. That, of course, was until the crowd started cheering loudly.

I managed to get to my feet just in time for someone to punch me in the face.

They'd slammed their fist into my jaw with enough force to knock me to the ground.

I had no way of knowing what would happen next. The blindfold was so tight that I was starting to get lightheaded. I flinched at the feeling of someone kicking me in the ribs. I groaned.

The crowd once again roared in approval.

Since my hands were chained behind me, I had no way to cover my face. At this realization, I began to panic.

My mind went back to the conversation Carmen and I had on the way to the showroom.

"Are you sure this is the safest way?" she'd asked quietly.

"If we run, we'll most likely get hurt worse than if we go with him," I replied.

She nodded wordlessly.

I'd managed to put both of us in danger just because I wasn't confident that I could protect her. The feeling of guilt was slowly eating away at me. I could've fought back if I really tried, but I wanted to punish myself. I was a coward, right? I didn't deserve to be able to fight back. As I descended into a state of delirium, I heard two people shout my name.

The first voice came from Carmen. Her voice sounded far away, and I couldn't reach it.

The second, however, was right in my ear.

My eyes flung open. I stumbled back at the sight of a very angry looking Kasar.

"What do you think you're doing?!" he roared, his anger making him appear to be twice his size.

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