Chapter 7

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You wake, startled and gasping for air. Files sliding off your bed and onto the floor. You had the same nightmare again. You are growing tired of the same, damn nightmare. Why does it keep happening? Thankfully you aren't tied to the bed by vines this time. You sit up and move the scattered files onto the chair nearby. Picking up the files from the floor, you hear a knock at your door. You get up to answer it and notice none of your electrical devices are working. You don't think anything of it. Maybe they were turned off last night.

You open the door and an agent is standing there, the hair on her arms standing up. "Care to explain what is happening here.", she asks you. You watch as more agents walk past and as they do the hair on their arms stands up. Great, so now your nightmares are affecting your other power. You apologise to the agent as you close your door and try to figure out how to control it and get rid of the current effects.

You sit on your bed and try to calm yourself down. Maybe that will work in getting rid of all the static electricity surrounding you and your room. Focusing on your breathing, you start to feel the static electricity recede from around you. You turn your attention to all the electrical devices in your room. None of them are working still. You try pressing some buttons on the monitor. Nothing. You play around with your phone. Still nothing. You give up and slide your stilettos on and head for the helicarrier bridge.

You arrive at the bridge and see Fury pacing around the deck. "Finally.", he addresses you, "I've been trying to get a hold of you all morning."

"My phone was down. Everything in my room is down.", you explain to him, "I think my electrical manipulation is affecting some of the equipment now. I had a nightmare last night and normally I wake up covered in vines, but because there are no plants in my room, my mind went to my next power."

"We can work on controlling your powers later. But for now, take a seat, the others should be arriving shortly." You sit down at the table and look out over the water, patiently waiting, watching jets arriving and leaving. You irritably start to bounce the heel of your stiletto on the floor and remember what you were going to ask Fury about earlier. "Director Fury. Is it possible to get some boots or something flat? Do you really think I can run around in these?"

Fury looks over at you and nods. He calls upon Agent Maria Hill. She walks off the bridge and comes back with a pair of flat heeled black boots. You thank her as she places them on the table. You take off your stilettos and throw them under the table further and slide the boots on. Much better. Much more comfortable now.

Coulson walks onto the bridge, excitedly. He walks past you and you hear him talking to himself about meeting Captain America and how excited he is to work with him. You also hear him mention something about trading cards, you chuckle to yourself. You look around the bridge and see some agents are starting to face-trace for Loki. You start to watch intently, but something else catches your eye. You notice the skyline starting to move. The helicarrier is starting to rise into the air. You stand up from the table and walk up to where Fury is taking command of the bridge. You don't say a word to him. He looks over his shoulder at you and you notice him smile.

The helicarrier is up in the air now, so you walk back over to the table and sit down. The door to the bridge opens and you turn to see Steve Rogers walk in with another man and a woman. You recognise them from the files you were reading last night. Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff. You watch them as they walk around the bridge. Steve looking around amazed. Banner looking like he is trying to find a way out.

"All engines operating. S.H.I.E.L.D. Emergency Protocol 193.6 in effect. We are at level, sir.", you hear Agent Hill announce to Fury.

"Good. Let's vanish.", Fury announces.

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