Chapter 1

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You walk into the bathroom and head for the sinks. You run the water and splash your face to wake yourself up. You look back at yourself in the mirror, "Why me?", you whisper to yourself. Footsteps start to approach, and someone opens the door to the bathroom. You quickly head for a cubicle and lock the door. Two girls approach the mirrors and start to touch up their makeup. You peer through the gap in the door at them. They are wearing long, flowy white dresses, lack of any shape. Their hair up in buns. You overhear them talking about you.

"Y/N is so weird.", one girl announces to the other.

"Like, why are they always playing with the grass?", the other responds.

They both start to laugh hysterically. Your legs start to take over as you unlock the cubicle door and run out of the bathroom, sobbing. The two girls continue to laugh. Why is everyone in this small town so mean to you? Why? Just because you are different.

You open the bathroom door and enter the hallway again. But, instead of looking like it normally does, it is lit with an ominous red glow. Something definitely isn't right here. You start to slowly walk down the hall to the doors at the end, but you hear a faint moaning coming from behind. You stop and turn slowly to see what is causing the noise. Your heart starts to race as you see what is producing the noise. A man stands at the end of the hall, blood dripping from his fingers. His face bruised and bloody. He is slowly being consumed by vines; his legs, arms and body are covered in vines and blood. His face is the only part of his body still fully visible. You start to recognise him. It's your own father. But wasn't he killed a few years back?

He starts to move towards you slowly. You freeze, not knowing what to do. With each footstep he makes, the more scared you become. You finally free yourself from your nerves and start to run back towards the doors at the other end. You keep turning your head to see where he is, and he is growing increasingly faster and closer to you. Your hands hit the handles of the door and you pause for a moment, unsure of what is going to await you on the other side. You take a deep breath and open the doors quickly. But you stop yourself before you fall. You look down at a cliffs edge. Lightning strikes fill the air and the space in front of you. You turn back around and still see your father, now running at you, vines dragging behind him. You turn back and look down over the cliffs edge into lightning and darkness before taking a deep breath and jumping.

You fall and land with a thud in a dark barn. The moonlight peeking through the cracks slightly illuminating your face. You start to stand, brushing the hay off yourself, as the barn door swings open. Your attention is drawn to a man standing there, illuminated by the moonlight, holding a whip in one hand. As he starts to walk menacingly towards you, you make out his face. It's a younger version of your father. Looking how he did when you were 7, 8 years old. Before you could react in any ways, two men emerge from the darkness and grab your arms. You look up at both of them and are startled to see they are faceless. No facial features whatsoever. No eyes, mouth, nose. Nothing. You try to wriggle out of their grasp, but they push you back down to the ground and turn you around, so your back is facing your father, now standing behind with his whip, ready to strike you.

You feel the sting of the first whip as you try to leave your body and escape somewhere else. But with every whip, you find it harder and harder to do so. Your body starts to go limp as your father keeps whipping you. You don't see an end in sight to this. Just as you thought you were about to lose your battle; you start to see the flash of lightning shine through the gaps in the wood of the barn. You slowly start to feel electricity coursing through your veins. It builds with every whip your father plants on you. It feels like it is about to burst out of you at any moment. As your father swings back to whip you again, it does. As the whip hits your back it bursts into flames and the force of the electricity leaving your body sends your father flying backwards and into a wooden beam. The two faceless men holding onto you are flung back into the walls of the barn too. You slowly start to stand back up, the fiery stings from the whip still resonating with you. You turn to look at your father's lifeless body lying on the hay. You feel no emotion to seeing him like this. You proceed to walk out of the barn, bloody dripping down your back.

You walk out of the barn into a large field. It is no longer night, though. Sunlight fills the sky as you look around at the wide-open space. You turn behind you, assuming you will see the barn, but nothing is there. Where did the barn go? What is going on? You turn back around to see a woman standing in the middle of the field, holding two swords. You start to walk towards her, hoping that she won't harm you. She waves at you as your start to approach her. You start to recognise her. It's your mother. She looks exactly how she did the day before the horrific attack. Her long, warm chestnut hair blowing in the wind. She is wearing her favourite denim jacket with the dark blue maxi dress you bought her a few years back. As you reach her, she opens her arms up to give you a big embrace. You hug her tightly as she does you.

You take a step back and grab one of the swords out of her hand. You happily hold it up, ready to block her attack. She giggles at you and smiles. She comes at you and you block her strike with a clang of the swords hitting together. You continue to block as you both dance around the field, the swords continually clanging together. You haven't been this happy in years. But you start to hear faint voices behind you. You try to pay them no attention, but they start to get louder. Your mother doesn't seem to hear them as she continues to dance and twirl around the field, her dress flowing in the wind. You turn around to face the direction of where the voices are coming from, but no one is there. You look around for a bit, but don't see anyone. You try to forget about it, and you turn back to your mother. But what you turn back to stops you in fear.

Your mother is standing there, her body and clothes blackened and charred. Her face now unrecognisable. She reaches a hand out and starts to walk towards you. You drop the sword and quickly step back. She stumbles and falls in front of you, bursting into flames as she hits the ground. You look on in shock as you start to hear the voices again. Much louder this time though.

"Witch! Witch!", you hear them chanting as you turn around and see a large mob walking through the field towards you. They are all holding guns, pitchforks, burning torches. Your heart starts to race you as try to comprehend what is happening. You turn back around to see your mother consumed in flames. They start to spread around you and through the field. The cries from the mob start to get louder and closer.

You make a split-second decision and run through the flames away from the mob and the burning field. You run to a nearby park and hide under the slide. You can no longer hear the cries of the mob. The sun starts to set against the smoke and flames from the burning field. It's quiet now. You place your hand on the grass and start to bloom daisies around you. Flowers always calmed you down and made you happy. It is probably the only thing you can really control in your life, without people getting hurt. Whenever you tried to control your powers, someone always ended up getting hurt in some way. You sit under the slide with your flowers for a while, but you start to hear footsteps crunching in the grass. You stop blooming flowers and sit quietly for a moment, hoping that they would just walk past and not bother you. That isn't the case. They stop at the slide, right where you are hiding. Their black dress shoes shining in the moonlight.

"Y/N.", they say, hoping you would answer them. You don't though. How do they know your name? You don't recognise their voice in anyway. You stay sitting quietly under the slide, hoping they would continue on their way. As you start to think that they will leave soon, they bend down and grab the collar of your shirt and pull you out from under the slide. You catch a quick glimpse of their face, but not long enough to recognise it.

You awaken suddenly, gasping for air. Your body is covered in vines and you struggle to move. You struggle to sit up and brush the vines off your arms as you try to catch your breath. Why does this keep happening? Almost every night now.

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