Chapter 4

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You slowly start to wake, looking around the cold dark room for a light switch. There is one next to your bed. You turn the lights on and blink as your eyes adjust to the bright light. You throw the sheet off you, swing your legs around to dangle off the edge of the bed and sit with your face in your hands. You sit there thinking about your mother and what she would think of your current situation. Would she be happy that you are safe at least? Or upset that you are now a potential weapon for a government agency? You jump down from the bed and walk to the bathroom to freshen up and get dressed for the day.

You splash your face with cold water to wake yourself up more. You look at yourself in the mirror and notice your still red and puffy eyes from crying last night. You walk back out of the bathroom to your backpack and pull out a small bag filled with your skincare and some makeup. You search through the bag for your concealer. There it is. You walk back into the bathroom and start to apply some concealer under your eyes, trying to hide the fact that you are an emotional wreck. You brush your hair out and pull it back out of your face. You had placed some clothes on the bed before you went into the bathroom. You come back out and throw on a pair of black tights and a white crop top. You sit back down on the bed and pull your photo album out of your backpack and flick to a picture of you and your mother together, holding a sword each.

You smile and start to tear up when you hear a knock at your door. You tell them to come in and the door slides open. It's Coulson, standing there in a suit again, smiling at you. It looks like the same suit he was wearing yesterday too. How many identical suits does this man have?

"Morning Y/N.", he says as he walks into your room. You smile back at him as he sits down in a chair next to your bed. "What do you have here?", he asks, pointing at your photo album. You quickly grab it and close it, pulling it towards your chest.

"Oh, it's nothing.", you dismiss Coulson's question. But you can't hold back your emotions as a tear rolls down your cheek.

"Doesn't seem like nothing.", Coulson questions you. You realise you can't hide anything from him and S.H.I.E.L.D.

You hand Coulson the photo album reluctantly, "It's one of the last things I have to remember my mother and father by. Photos, newspaper articles, anything that reminds me of them.", you explain to Coulson as he flicks through it, scanning over everything. You watch as he stops on the picture of you and your mother that you were looking at earlier.

Coulson turns the album around towards you, "Is this your mother?", he asks you. You nod in response. "Did she teach you swordsmanship?", you smile and nod in response again. He closes the photo album and hands it back to you. "Is that what they are?", he asks, pointing towards your sword case. You nod again. Coulson proceeds to stand up and walk towards the table where your sword case is placed. He looks back at you, as if to say, 'may I'. "Yeah.", you reply to him. Coulson opens the case and pulls out one of the swords. He inspects it and admires the craftsmanship gone into the design. He gently places the sword back and closes the case.

"I would love to see how skilled you are with these.", Coulson requests of you. He looks down at his watch before you get a chance to respond, "Is that the time already? We have to go Y/N. They are waiting for you down the hall. Director Fury wants us to conduct some testing to assess your powers.", he informs you, "Bring these with you.", he says as he points at your swords.

Coulson leaves you to gather your swords and finish getting dressed. You quickly slide on a pair of white converses and close your sword case. You pick up the case and walk out of the room down the hallway. Coulson is waiting outside of a room for you. You walk up to him and walk into the room, Coulson following behind you. You look around the room as you enter and notice a fair number of agents in there. You were hoping it would just be you and Coulson and maybe one or two other agents. But, no. There are at least ten agents standing around, staring at you as you walk in with your sword case. Why so many? Why are they all here? Coulson walks past you and can tell you are getting anxious.

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