Chapter 3

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It's dark. Sabine is lying in bed, staring at the ceiling paintings above. While closing her eyes for a second it seems like the ceiling and the walls are disappearing. Just coming down like an elevator.
Her vision starts flashing.
Everything starts turning. The whole room is spinning in circles.
She sees flashes of different moments she seems to know, but actually really doesn't.
She sees flashes of a man and woman. They look like they're a couple.
Flashes of an old house.
Flashes of that same woman from before holding a baby.
The flashes start going faster and faster. She catches a glimpse of a different man than the one she just saw. He looks familiar. The man has something in his arm that she cannot place. In his other hand he has his wand.
But it's hard to see. The flashes keep going faster and faster.
Getting harder see by the second.
She hears crying. Yelling. Screaming.
But it's hard to make up real words out it.
She hears hard bangs.
Another voice yelling. At first it seems to be something like 'shut it!'
The cries don't stop.
She hears mumbling.
Suddenly Sabine wakes up.
It was all a dream.
She hears banging on her door.
Someone saying her name trough the thick old wood.
When she hears the voice she remembers. It's Percy of course.
'Sabine! Are you almost ready? Class starts within 20 minutes!'

'Y-yes! Almost done!'
She quickly get's up from her bed to take a look in the mirror, only to find out she is already in uniform. Weird.
A white blouse with a grey sweater over it and a long black robe.
No badge. No tie. No color. Just black. It kind of reminds her of professor Snape's robe, it's also plain black. Shrugging her shoulders she puts on her shoes and heads out the door where she finds Percy waiting for her.

'What took you so long?'

'Had a weird dream. What class are we taking right now?'
She asks while following the red headed boy.

'Well i'm actually not in the same year as you, but i'm going to introduce you to some really nice people who in fact are.'
He tells.


'Oh just some family of me. They'll like you, I promise.'
He points to another red headed boy, he does look a little younger then Percy. The boy is talking to a girl. She has big hair and seems very nice. Another boy walks up to them. He has messy brown hair and round shaped glasses. Sabine also notices a lightning shaped scar on the boy's forehead.
She follows Percy towards the red headed boy.

'Hey Ron. I want to introduce you to a friend of mine.'
He says.

Ron looks up from his conversation with the girl.
'Oh hey Percy.'

'Where do you guys know each other from?'
Sabine asks curiously. She has no idea why the two boys know each other.

'We're brothers.'
Ron answers.
'I'm Ron by the way. This is Hermione.'
He points to the girl he was just talking to.

She waves.
'Oh and that's Harry.'
The other boy also waves.
Sabine waves back at them and introduces herself. There's a quiet pause. Sabine looks around only to find out Percy has left.

Right now they're just sitting at their desks, waiting for a professor to start the lesson.
Suddenly the door flungs open and professor Snape enters the classroom.
He closes all the windows with the use of his wand, walks up to the front of the classroom and just calmly says: 'turn to page 203.'

Everyone opens their books and turns to look at Sabine, who is still looking for the page.
She feels the deathly stares from her classmates. She slowly looks up, connects eye contact with Snape and then turns back to her book.

It says at the top of the page.

'Oh boy.'

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