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They both decided to go for a walk as Boun can't sleep and Prem was not able to sleep. They both were roaming near the river side and then near the bridge. Prem was feeling uncomfortable, not because of Boun giving him strange vibe but rather because he haven't asked even single time that why was trying to kill himself.

"I could see you side glances, could you stop staring at me.... if you want to ask something then ask me, don't hesitate"🙂

"It shouldn't be me who should ask but rather you who should ask me...... aren't you curious?"🤨

"About what?"

"That why was I trying to kill myself"

"I am"

"Then why aren't you asking me, what are you waiting for...Christmas?"

"That's not a bad idea! I can wait that much also"😜

"Hey, I'm not at all in mood of joke😒"

He said rolling his eyes. He stopped and  turned his face towards him

"Neither me.... see Nong... actually I'm too curious to know what happened to you that you have to take such a step.... but we need to understand that there many thing which are best we don't ask... neither I want to make you remember that pain nor do I want to invade you privacy"

"But I wanted to tell you.... I know we have just met only few hours before and I am telling you something which I shouldn't.... but you deserve to know.. the person who has saved my life who has understand the importance of my life even though no one.... plzz can I tell you... I would feel like a burden is lifted from my body...."

"Its your wish... but still I'm telling you that I'm not forcing you to tell....kk??"


After that Prem told him each and every thing from the death of his parents to the rejection of his confession. He felt that now after so long time he got someone to whom he can share his burden eventhough that person can't help him much but still he feel relaxed.

"So this all happened...Thanks for saving my life....thanks for listening to me and thanks for giving importance to my life as no one gave but at least you did... thank you so much!"

"Enough enough enough! Even my life was also not given importance but I know how to do of others"

Prem could see the sadness in his eyes, he wanted to ask him but then he thought of what Boun said and thought of not invading the privacy. There was a pin drop silence only voice of cold breeze and moving of leaves and some sound made by insects could only be heard. Then he break the silence by asking me.

"You said that you thanked me for saving the life that mean you didn't want to end you life...... then why??"

"Actually after listening to those words I just lost my control... I realised when I was in front of that truck but I don't know why my body was not listening to me.... it was like I was shouting but no one was listening not even my own body..."

Tears were rolling down his eyes. He felt that hands were encircling his shoulder, it felt warm and comfortable.

"I want to ask you something?"


"You said that you were sad and angry when all those children's called you Gay?"

"Yes, I was... very much!"😠

"But what's wrong on being a gay? Is it a sin?"

"No! Not at all!... see I don't have any hatred towards LGBTQ but it's like.... which I'm not then why should I agree... are you a gay??"

DIABOLIK INAMORATO..Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat