The build of a New Wave

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You sit carefree by the tranquil waves, your mind drifting out past the horizon as you dream of times once so close. You can feel the mellow sun on your  skin even as a cool summer's breeze gently caresses you. The sand shifts under your back as you set into a comfortable, yet contorted, position. You take a deep breath and look around at the palm trees that stretch up to the clouds and turn to see the steel lighthouse down the beach with its recently painted, sky blue skin.

Your eyes slowly close as the sun sinks behind the calm clear sea with gentle waves that break onto the beach but don't make it to your person. As the last echoes of light are slowly consumed by the darkness.

As your mind floats out past the bay, you feel a sweet nostalgia of your 7th birthday when your dad took you out to fish with him and your uncle for the first and last time. You remember your mum made a cake that had the smell of fresh vanilla and milk frosting from a cowmeleon, she had to travel to the next town over to see the cowmeleon farmer. You also remember getting your favourite presents of all time, a coca-cola tee-shirt and a puppy. The shirt had a rip on the front by the right shoulder. You recall asking your parents what coca-cola was, their reply was "It was a sedative from the past that made you feel no fear or pain and could prevent near-death injuries''. You always think that the people of the past are fascinating and wish I could have lived back then, in the time before the great wave.
You are suddenly awoken by the sound of the ghoulish tides slamming against the base of the lighthouse as its freshly painted skin is shredded by the bullets of water shooting up off the rocks. The light within the lantern room is spinning in a panic while the body of the lighthouse moans and creaks in pain barely withstanding the storm that has settled itself over the town.

The waves, once gentle and kind beasts, are now a stampede of aggravated demons, looking to consume any fool that dares come near. The waves howl as the light cuts through the dark depths. With your attention directed towards the lighthouse, the waves stretch out and grab hold of your leg dragging you across the sand and towards the maw of the sea. The sea's jaws widen and swallow you whole, pitting you against the demonic waves' crushing grip. As you repeatedly tumble against the harsh rocks that litter the sea floor.

You gasp In a panic with each split second that you are reunited with the surface. Finally the rip releases its grip and You find yourself far from the tempestuous waves. While floating on your back, You look back at the violent waves crashing against the lighthouse and see the lantern's strikes of light slicing through the ocean close by. In the pitch black ocean with every quick pass of the dying light, a figure floats across the sea, in the little flickers of light it is shown to be a bloated corpse of a man, there a rips in his clothes, It reminds you of your coca-cola shirt at home, the body keeps floating on the waves, as the light passes you see that the man's legs are gone.

"Most likely eaten by sharks" You think to yourself, as you shiver as the cold of the ocean cuts deep into your soul.

You try to swim back to shore now with what little energy you have left, but the current drags you further out to sea, You remember a chant that your father used to say before he headed out into the sea to fish, "Tangaroa may you bless my soul, Take away my purity and bestow power and luck to my life" you call out.

A shadowy figure rises from the depths of the water, one with the wings of a bat, you aren't sure if this Thing you're seeing is real or you're just hallucinating from exhaustion.

"I am the one who watches", it says. It doesn't seem like it's speak outwards, more like it's speaking inside Your head, the voice echoes through your head, "I will heed your call but Destroy my pact or conform to the corruption, If you can't do this, both you and your family will die"
The monster-like creature slowly sinks back under the ice cold waves and down in the void below the surface, This reminds you of how they drown people by tying big rocks to people's feet as the way of blessing gaea. The waves calm and the wind and dark skies break clearing to a vibrant and calming night sky, a faint sound of the waves gently rocking onto the shore, which is slowly covered by a faintly growing scream

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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