Chapter 10 A wild boar mission gone wrong

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"Don't just stand there! Help me!" shouted Magna still being chased by wild boars.

Asta immediately used his black chains and wrapped them around the wild boars making them unable to move, he then knocked each of them out one by one.

"Thanks a lot Asta. Why didn't you help lady Noelle? You just stood there doing nothing while Asta did everything." said Magna.

"Because I am royalty and royalty shouldn't have to do those things." said Noelle flicking her silver hair.

"I don't care if you're royalty. I'm your upperclassman." said Magna.

"And I'm royalty." said Noelle.

"Guys stop arguing, we already finished our mission so let's go to the village and tell the man we finished so we can go back to the Black Bulls base already." said Asta.

They both stopped arguing straight away wanting to go back to the base and relax.

"Alright, lead the way Magna." said Asta.

"Follow me to the village." said Magna.

The three teammates walked to the village which was nearby and saw that mist surrounded the village and only the village covering what's hidden in the mist. The Black Bull members immediately knew that something wasn't right.

"This mist, it's quite thick." said Magna.

"You're right Magna, it's too thick to be ordinary mist." said Asta.

"It's definitely magic, I can feel it." said Noelle.

"There's definitely something going on with the village right now." said Asta.

"What are we going to do then?" asked Noelle.

"Well, we are obviously going to go in and help them." said Asta.

"What!? No way Bakasta!" said Noelle.

"Why not lady Noelle? We are magic knights, if there's something going on in that village, it's our job to help them, even if it's none of our business. That's how a real man should act." said Magna.

"Are you to crazy!? Wait you are nuts. Look at the mist! It's magic! We can't see anything inside the village and the villagers can't see what's outside either. We are going to get lost in that magic mist spell as soon as we enter the village. We won't be able to save anyone and we'll probably end up dead after getting lost in the mist." said Noelle.

"It's ok. We won't get lost, we will be able to see what's beyond the magic mist spell as well. Did you forget? We have Asta here who can nullify magic with his sword." said Magna pointing to Asta.

"That's right Noelle. There's nothing to worry about. We're magic knights, we wanted to become magic knights to save and help people, not wear a squad symbol to show it off." said Asta.

"You're a real man Asta. Just like your older big brother. We are definitely saving the villagers. I know them and, they're a part of my past when I was younger. Saving them would be a way to apologies for the trouble I caused them." said Magna. 

"Alright then, let's go." said Asta.

"Fine..." said Noelle.

Asta grabbed his grimoire from his grimoire holder around his waist and opened it. He pulled out his sword, the only thing that he got from the grimoire right now and started cutting through he thick mist. What they saw next shocked them, the villagers of the village were crying, they were scared holding onto their loved ones and there were sharp ice above them floating in the air. Their was a guy with a scar across his face sitting and people with capes behind him, the man that won at gambling against Yami and Magna was also laying on the floor with blood dripping from his mouth, he was dead. A little boy and girl were watching out for the old man's body crying.

"Commence execution." said the man with a scar across his face. 

The ice shards started falling down and were going to kill the villagers.

"Flame Magic: Explosive scattershot!" said Magna, then many little explosions broke the ice shards apart.

The villagers opened their eyes and in front of them, they saw the Black Bulls symbol.

"The magic knights! Did they come to save us!?" said the village.

To be continued...


I hope you like the chapter.

!DISCLAIMER: Black Clover does not belong to me!

William Vangeance's little brotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora