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"She thinks she is so cool," I spit to Blaise and Pansey. Pansey leaned forward on her hands, turning her head to look at Angel. "I think she is actually really cool," she says with a smirk. I push out her hands so her chin hits the table. "Asshole," she spits before standing up and walking away. "Remind me again why you hate her so much?" Asks Blaise not even paying attention. I slam my hands down on the carriage table. "Because, she's a bitch," I spit, Blaise just shakes his head and turns towards her. Her black hair was straight down her back, her emerald eyes where looking at Marcus Flint, laughing with every joke he said. She wore a white short flowing dress with a black corset over the top, around her waist. She wore silver rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings. She had a slit in her eyebrow that seemed to match her perfectly. She had soft makeup on, not too much. "She is pretty though," says Blaise looking back over to me. I scoff and shake my head. "God, your all caught under her little popularity spell," I say harshly. Her head turns slightly over to me and her eyes flicker over. Indicating she heard what I said. She flicked up a finger to Marcus, stopping him from speaking. "One sec," she smiles before getting up and walking across the isle to my table. "Afternoon boys," she says plopping down next to me. Her scent of vanilla and rain flooded up my noise. "Afternoon Angel," says Blaise leaning back in his seat. I turn to her and raise an eyebrow. "What's up your ass today Malfoy?" She said with a smile. She leans her chin in the palms of her hands. "Aw, cat got your tongue? Or should I say ferret?" She says sticking out her lower lip. I let out a single laugh. "You think your so cool," I say leaning back against the window. "Draco," she starts.
"Malfoy," I interrupt. She points a hand towards me and bows her head. "Malfoy, the difference between you and me is not the millions of dollar in my bank account. It's the fact I know I'm cool and you think I'm cool," she spits. I scoff and shake my head. She just claps and smiles, "anyway, that's enough from me. See you two at school," she smiles and stands up. She brushes her hands against her dress before waving and turning around. She walks back and sits down in her booth, continuing her conversation with Marcus. "Sexy and sassy," says Blaise with a laugh, knowing I hate her. "God give me strength," I say slamming my head into the table.
Location: Hogwarts
I trucked up to my dorm room, fortunately it was right next door to Angels, Blaise's room on the other side of mine. Lucky me, right in the centre. I threw my stuff in my room and got changed into my robes. I tossed my black suit into the washing basket. I combed my hair so it fell into my face, covering my grey eyes. I sprayed my spearmint expensive Cologne and headed out the door. I wasn't in a bad mood, well that's as until I ran into Angel. "Hey Malfoy," she says happily walking up next to me. "What do you want Angel," I spit.
"Oh common, why you gotta be so mean," she moans. She walks behind me and shakes both of my shoulders. "Loosen up a bit," she moans again. I swat her hands away and she walks back next to me. "You know, my dad double crossed yours like 35 years ago," she started, "I think he should get over it," she smirks. "That's very obnoxious of you Angel," I reply. She just shrugs. "I don't think you should hate me because your dad hates my family, it's just cruel," she moans again. "Maybe I am cruel," I snap back.
She shakes her head slightly, "maybe," she replies. We push open the great hall doors and strut over to the Slytherin table. "Prince and Princess of Slytherin, I tell ya Fred," said George quietly as we walked past. I ignored the comment, I'd hate to have anything to do with her. We sit down, I sit down closer to the stage, she sits down the back with a group of girls. Their high pitch laughter filled the room, not just Slytherin girls but Gryffindor girls as well. They had all turned around in their seats to form some sort of circle. Angel has the biggest smile and all the girls looked up to her. "Settle down, settle down," boomed a Dumbledores voices his hands moved in an up and down motion to calm down the hall. Everyone went silent and the sorting ceremony started. With every new year Slytherin or Gryffindor girl, Angel would invite them pack to the table to talk. "I mean she is nice," said Marcus to us group of Slytherin boys. "She'll probably forget about them by tomorrow morning," I spit, picking at the food in my plate.
Location: Hogwarts
The ceremony finished and all 5th years were excused. So my group of boys and Angels group of girls got up and left. The two groups joined as one and our laughter echoed through the halls of Hogwarts. The boys made stupid jokes and the girls laughed. It was a stupid and repetitive process a dumb way for guys to get into the pants of girls. Well I mean, they had to try, I didn't have too. Girls fell to their knees for me. I couldn't help being as attractive as I was, couldn't help being hot. I had sex with heaps of girls. But none of them satisfied me, they were nothing special. Every vagina felt the same. I longed to find someone to love, but I question myself. Am I even capable of love? Would I have time for love?
I doesn't matter though. There is no one at Hogwarts for me. Like I said, no girl satisfied me.

We reached the Slytherin common room and everyone flopped onto a couch. We all sat around the fire, talking, or off in our own world. Angel sat in a single green arm chair across from me, closet to the fire. It glimmered on her pale skin. Her dimples came and go as she laughed or said certain words. I shook my head and pushed her from my mind. I leaned over to Pansey and whispered. "You, me, bathroom now," I instruct. Getting with Pansey was the only way to push this horrid girl from my mind. It wasn't the best but at least I would be away from her. Pansey and I left and went into the bathroom. "Get on your knees slut," I spit grabbing the back of her hair. She does as I say without fighting. She unzips my pants and takes my cock in her mouth. I use her hair to push her head, thrusting hard. Her eyes glimmered up at me and I began pushing harder. It was no use, Pansey never made me cum. She was useless. But I thrusted anyway, to relax. In a matter of minutes I tossed her off me and walked out of the bathroom, leaving her to clean off. Stupid slut, really thought I had something going for her. I sat back down on the couch and Angel raised an eyebrow at me. "What?" I spit at her harshly. She just shakes her head slightly, "nothing," she replies with a short smirk. I roll my eyes and scoff at her, ignoring her annoying presents. Snape struts into the common room and stands in the middle of us. "Bed, now," he instructs with a loud voice. Without hesitation everyone gets up and hurry's to their rooms. Angel beats me up the stairs and waves before walking into her room. "Ugh," I say quietly while walking into my own. I walk into my bathroom and on the other side of the wall I can hear Angels showing run, along with her music. She sings loudly as she washes her self. God it was annoying. I hit the side of the wall with the side of my fist. "What?!" She yells. "Shut up!" I scream back. Her shower turns off and the music stops. "Thank god," I say to myself. I finish washing myself and get dressed into my grey sweats. My hair is wet against my face and I open my door. "Holy shit!" I yell jumping back. Angel is sitting in my arm chair. "Tell me to shut up one more time Malfoy, I dare you," she says standing up. She wore a deep green lace bra that went down to her belly button, exposing her belly button piercing. She had black sweats on, that even though were too big, made her ass look good. God, why was I even looking at her ass. "And what would you do?" I snap back. She walks up to me. She is much smaller than me, her head only reached below my lips. "Make your life fucking hell," she spits, and with that she gives me a smile and walks away. Out of my room. I shake my head and walk over to my bed. My black silk sheets pressed against my bare chest, giving me chills. I switch off my light and with that I fall fast asleep. Peacefully, for once.

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