"You two are useless you know that right?" I said glancing at my brother and Nate who were coming down the stairs laughing their asses off. "Were truly offended by your harsh words sis" said Tim dramatically pretending to be hurt, "you could've at least tried to sober up a bit before dinner" I said already annoyed by my brother's behavior. "But what would be the fun in that Mad?" said Nate before sending me a subtle wink. I pushed the two boys outside and took my usual seat on the table.

"It looks divine you two, thank you" said mum, and on queue we all began eating. I was talking to dad about the school year when I felt Nate's hand on my upper thigh which caused me to almost choke on my wine. I pushed his hand away rather harshly which made him chuckle. I stood up sending Nate a deadly look, "I'll go get du fromage et dessert" and made my way back to the kitchen. It was typical for almost every French family to have a variety of cheese before dessert, and even though our family wasn't traditional at all, it was something that we kept because of my grandfather. Since I was talented at wandless Magic, I was able to bring everything to the table by myself. After dinner, Nate and Timothee were in charge of the cleanup since they didn't help beforehand.
    I sat on the couch and took my favorite book from the coffee table and began reading. I noticed that my parents were having a heated argument in the garden but didn't think much of it. Clotilde was sitting on the other couch playing with her stupid cat. I really hated that bloody cat, it usually snuck into my room and left me a couple of unpleasant surprises including puke over my duvet cover.
After reading for a while I got thirsty and made my way to the kitchen to get some water, but then I wished I hadn't stepped in at all.

The boys were having a water fight and as soon as they saw me, Nate picked me up and Timothee pointed his wand at me. "Don't. You. Dare" I said trying to free myself from Nate's grasp but it was impossible. My brother looked at me in the eyes with an evil grin plastered on his face before saying "Aguamenti". A huge yet of clear water shot me right in the face from his wand and Nate was laughing so hard that he dropped me down. I was still on the floor, soaked to the bone and my white shirt had already become completely see through. I pointed each of my hands to each of the boy "alright then, if that's how you wanna play it" and then a jet of water coming from my palms hit each of them straight in the face.

I went into my room to shower and get ready for bed when the door opened. I already knew that it was Nate so I tried my best to not turn around. He stood behind me, my back completely pressed against him and he lowered his mouth to whisper in my ear. "Mon Dieu Maddie, wearing a red bra with a white shirt is a risky move", he began kissing me under me ear before I completely pulled away and stood to face him. "What happened last summer was a mistake and you're supposed to have a girlfriend", I said with my eyes meeting his. "She doesn't have to know" he said walking towards me. "It was a mistake and it will never happen again, and I won't play part in you cheating on Colette" I said while pushing him to the door. "That's what you say every time but you always come crawling back Mads", Nate said before leaving my room. After I took a shower and got into bed, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about what Nathan said and I knew he was right. I always went crawling back to him.

It all started when I was 14 and he was 15. We were at a party and after a couple of drinks I ended up loosing my virginity to him in an empty classroom. We swore to take that secret to the grave, I knew that he and my brother were fuckboys so I knew that I was just another number on his list. When I turned 15, I began getting around with more boys but didn't matter who I was with, I somehow always ended in his bed one way or another. Last summer we both decided to become fuck buddies, no strings attached, no feelings involved, just sex. Since Nate usually spent summer with us, we used to sneak around at night when everyone was asleep but we stopped right before school started again. I knew that it was wrong, I also knew that my brother would flip if he ever found out so I was the one who decided to end things. Back for my fifth year, I began messing around with two boys from my year, Louis and Charles under the same arrangement. No strings, no feelings just sex. I stayed away from Nathan for the entire year, I heard rumors that he was dating a girl named Colette but knowing him it wasn't anything serious.

My thoughts kept me awake and when I looked at the clock it was already two am. When my thoughts kept me awake at night, the solution was simple. Baking.

I got up and quietly opened the door to my room. I heard some noises coming from my brother's room and heard that he was in there with a girl most likely having sex. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the kitchen. I took everything I needed to make chocolate chip cookies and got cooking. I was fully distracted with my thoughts so I didn't hear my mum walk into the kitchen. "Chérie it's four in the morning what are you doing?".

"Couldn't sleep so I'm making cookies". "How many batches did you make?", mum said pointing to the bunch of cookies that were all over the kitchen counter and table. "I'm not really sure, I lost count after the third batch", I said taking another tray from the oven. She chuckled and placed a kiss on the top of my head, which was pretty rare coming from mum since she wasn't really as affectionate. "Just make sure to cleanup", she said before heading back upstairs.

Ten minutes passed and I hear two sets of footsteps coming from the stairs. To get to the front door, you needed to walk in front of the open kitchen space area which was not good when it came to sneaking out, or in Timothee's case sneaking someone out. I looked over and there was my brother wearing nothing but some grey sweatpants and Beauxbatons' major bitch Fleur Delacour, whose hair was messy and blouse unbuttoned. They didn't notice me and that's when I decided to clear my throat.

"Putain Madeleine! I thought you were mum!" He whisper yelled at me. I stood up holding a big bad filled with cookies and began walking towards them. "Lucky it was just me, mum went upstairs ten minutes ago", I smirked at my brother before narrowing my eyes to Fleur. "Here you go, in case you get hungry on the way," I said handing her the bag with cookies, "Merci, ehm au revoir", she said clearly uncomfortable before quietly opening the door and leaving. "Thank god you make cookies, I'm starving" Tim said heading to the kitchen. "You know next time you're sneaking someone out, better use the window" I said taking a seat in front of him. "Just because you aren't getting any doesn't mean I shouldn't" he said finishing his cookie.

The first few weeks of the summer went well, I stayed away from Nathan, I met my friends in the city, went shopping with mum and Clotilde, spent tons of time with dad. Life was going well, we were even going to the Quidditch World Cup, but my whole life collided in front of my eyes the night of July 15th.

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