Untold side

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As the day went on with the others, Vile had different plans. While everyone was celebrating, Vile was preparing back at her home which was a small hut. She was preparing for the next battle but no one was informed except for her. She was sharpening her blades and crafting smoke bombs for the next disturbance. Little did they know, Vile was a spy for the Dark Order. Her father was one of the leaders of a fleet in the guidance of Kyle's father. Pictures were found in her home that contains her father's notes and letters for her when she was a kid. She usually stays with her mother who was killed in the great war. Her family joined this order in exchange for their freedom. Their family was one of the Dark Order's conquered cities. Kyle's father is one of the Dark Order's high class leaders. He used to order some of his troops into battlefield, for they have already conquered the other cities such as Merindium, Abstocycle, and Xenor which are the neighboring cities of Yoasobi. Vile's hometown, which was Xenor, was burned down to ashes and her view from the burning city wasn't erased from her memory from that moment until now. Currently, the city of Yoasobi is the last city to survive from the wrath of the Dark Order. Vile was preparing for the next battle and her next act when her friends wants her help with the upcoming battles. Her house is found near the city's wall and the Dark Order's domain is found outside the reach of Yoasobi. She gets information from the city and it's events. She especially keeps an eye on Kyle and the others, for they are the people that the high class leaders in the order avoid. Vile was never their friend, but a villain disguised as a hero. Back in the battle of the beast from yesterday, she helped the others take out the troops of the order. She was only making an alibi so that she can earn the trust of the so called "People of the scrolls". She also has a group picture with her "friends" in the corner of her hut. It seemed like she was too innocent to be a villain, but they never said that the innocent can't be one. 

Vile finished sharpening her blades and packed up. She closes the hut and sealed it with a trap. Since she has an elemental power which is the Sludge, she can inject poison or any substance that can make the victim panic. She had a lot of victims from the past years, and made hidden traps for the domains of the Dark Order. So far, she has been crowned as the queen of traps from the ground to the air units. Ever since her childhood with Jill, Aleigh, and the others, she has been perfecting the traps through pranks that went really good. From pranking her friends, to trapping people to their deaths. Vile hid a bike-like vehicle that had boosts behind and wings that'll help her glide through the sky. She rode it and went to one of the domains of the Order. She drove uphill and glided when she reached the end of the hill. She has been doing it ever since the great war broke. The whole story about the great war was a big mark in the history of each and every people not only in Yoasobi, but as well with the other cities that failed to stop the wrath of the Order. While gliding through the sky, she spotted three children going further than the reach of Yoasobi. She thought that if she let them be, they'd most likely meet their doom. Because of this thought, she swooped in and landed in front of the children. The kids stopped at their tracks and was in awe, for they just saw a beautiful landing made by Vile. "Hey. What are you guys doing here?", Vile asked as she parks her bike. "We want to see what's happening down there!", one kid shouted. Vile covered his mouth immediately to not alert the guards near where they're standing. The guards heard this and went to search where the sound came from. Vile and the kids hid in a bush which was big enough for all of them. She told the kids to keep quiet so that they may not be found by the guards and alert the other guards that were near. The kids understood the instruction and followed it. The guards have a device equipped in their eyes that was implanted on the first day on their training. Vile knew about this and covered the kids and herself a sludge that makes them invisible to these devices. Although, they aren't really invisible to the naked eye,  but she can somehow make the guards go away. The guards went closer to their hiding spot and the kids started to panic. She has no other choice but to let the guards go to sleep. Since she was one of the Dark Order's famous people, she knew that the guards will notice her doings, for her traps and pranks are known in these domains. She threw a small canister that is filled with exploding sludge that contains the sleeping gas. The canister exploded and the gas went out making the guards go to sleep. This was the only time she can let the kids go back to safety. "Ok, we're safe now.', she said to the kids as she turns to them. As she turns to them, she found that they also fell asleep. She forgot that the gas can reach people from their position. She didn't fell asleep since she has practiced overcoming her own traps just in case she fell into one. She then decided to take the kids to safety all be herself by getting them into the bike. Good thing she installed a portable extension to her bike just in case some situations like these happen. She put them all in their and rode off as fast as she can. 

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