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As they head in for their first mission as a team, Jill called the YS Offense team C to go with them on the transport vehicle. "It seems like a war is about to happen and we are a part of it.", said Kyle. "Of course. They are perhaps showing their power to us, and now let's show them what we have in our hands.", Jill added as he signals the YS Offense team C to go forward and launch into battle. The others hopped in the second transport as well as Jill being their commanding officer. "Ok, so here's the plan.", Jill said as she sits down with them. Jill turns on the radio that can be heard on the YS Offense team C's transport vehicle. She then therefore discussed her plan. 

"Our plan here is to get the people safe and clean up the rest. The first half of the team C will go with the mage here which is Aleigh. Aleigh and Vile will go to the side with the team C to get to the position of the high levelled enemy. Me and Lesley will go and distract the beast and the other ground enemies. The other half of the team C will be with the two of us to keep the other opposing people distracted as the team of Aleigh and Vile strike the weak part of the enemy. Remember that we need to save the people first. The remaining defense squad present in the area will be commanded by Kyle. Kyle will guide the survivors and the defense squad to safety. A change of ways in the battlefield will be given a solution only if it happens. Suggestions are open once we are all in the battlefield. Keep your radios open so that we have communications in there. On behalf of me and my squad, may we wish you all good luck and may we be given hope by our ancestors.", Jill suggested as she drops the radio and prepares for the fight. 

The team on the other transport vehicle was determined to do whatever they can, for the people they love and for the people of Yoasobi. "I knew you had it in you.", said Aleigh as he picks up his equipment. "I'll do what I can as an assassin. I will never do what I did to you all back then.", Vile added. "Forget about that and focus in this battle. Kyle, do you think you can handle this? I know this is a bit big for a newbie like you in our world, but we need all our hands on deck.", Jill asked as she turns to Kyle. "I'm pretty sure he'll be fine. Sure, he did ruin our chant earlier, but I'm pretty sure he can do this.", Lesley replied with an excited expression on her face. Kyle, however, was panicking on the inside. He didn't here any part of the plan Jill said because he was talking to himself silently. "You can do this, right?", Lesley asked worriedly. Kyle nods nervously but Lesley seemed to have accepted this expression for a forgetful friend of hers. 

They later on arrived on the safe place on the battlefield. The troops head down from the transport vehicle and got into position. The team of Kyle also head down from the vehicle and gathered in front of the YS Offense Squad. They ran to the battlefield and as soon as Kyle noticed that the temperature was getting warm, his hands began to tremble in fear. Seconds later, they all saw the current battle. Troops of the YS Offense and Defense squad was being beaten up. The plan was immediately put into action. Jill and Lesley went on to face the beast along with the other ground enemies. Along by their side is the determined team of the offense squad. Aleigh and Vile quickly rushed into the side to attack the high levelled enemy. Kyle was panicking and doesn't know where to go. Lesley noticed this immediately and suggested him to go to those guards up there and help them evacuate the remaining survivors. Kyle quickly rushed in and noticed the crying children being held by running parents. Some of the men of the remaining survivors are helping the defense squad to take care of the attacking enemy. Kyle chose the side that was evacuating. "Hey! It's one of the people that are gonna help us.", said the guard on the defense squad. "What shall we do boss?", said the other guard beside him. Kyle was panicking and tries to keep things in control. "Uhmm, you guys take care of the evacuees and the other half, keep the enemies from pushing in.", Kyle suggested as he was panicking. "But sir! The enemies keep flooding in and some of them are getting inside! We can't break our position now!" the commanding officer of the defense squad exclaimed as he was pushing the enemies back. "I uhmmm. W-we need to have p-people here right now. There are a lot of them that are injured. We n-need to keep this people alive.", Kyle exclaimed nervously. "This is hopeless.", one guard whispered to the other as they were trying hard to keep the enemy from attacking the survivors. Kyle was stuttering as he calls for back up. He calls for Lesley and assisted help. Lesley responded and got there as soon as she can. "You doing good in there Kyle?", Lesley asked as she was also holding down the enemy. "Ma'am, are you sure he's our commanding officer? He seems new to this kind of thing.", said the commanding officer of the defense squad as he turns to Lesley. Lesley was starting to worry and later on, she was called by Jill to keep the beast from getting in. Lesley was now in a bad situation. She was having trouble deciding who to choose first. As she was thinking this through, a part of the defense squad fell down as a result of a breach. 

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