Chapter 34- New Leaf

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     There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about my brother. I mean, how could I not? Knowing everything I know about what happened to him after we separated, how can I just sit here and pretend everything is fine? I can find just about any person on the face of the earth, but why is it when I need to actually accomplish something, I just can't.

     Even when I was there for him, I really wasn't, let's be honest. I mean, I didn't have much of a choice. Sure, I had the remaining bits of our parents' money, but I had to still make some so that we'd have a chance in the long run. I only really saw him in the morning and evening. I tried my best to teach him some basic academic material, but most of the time we just ended up playing together.

      It's pretty tricky being an older sister, mom, and dad all at the same time. I don't see myself having kids in the future, and I never did when I was younger either. I'm just not that kind of person. So, taking care of Tsuki was incredibly difficult. On top of that, I was a teenager, so you can imagine how tough that was for me. Sometimes I just didn't want to hang out with my little brother. I did make some friends with other runaway teens, but after hanging out with them, I always felt guilty that I left Tsuki by himself. I'd always remember how his face would light up when he saw me come back to whatever sorry excuse for a home we had at the time. Even though I was a grump, he'd always try to be in good spirits. I didn't want to ruin it for him, so I tried my best to shield him from the cruel reality of the world we live in. But in the end... because I did that, what he went through was probably even worse, if that's possible. The thought of people doing that to my little brother... it makes my blood boil.

     That's why I'm going along with whatever crazy plan Richard's cooking up. Can one man really transform the entire political, societal, and economic state of a nation? Normally I'd say no, but with Richard... Well, he's got a chance. I mean, what he's suggesting isn't entirely crazy either. Revolutions aren't fought with people anymore— they're fought with ideas. Nobody can ignore Richard. Hell, I'd say that the people like him more than the Moderators. There's a reason why he's our most beloved celebrity. And really, who's gonna stop him? He's so damn wealthy that he can throw his own weight around even against the government. As soon as he plants the idea of freedom in their minds, surely the people won't ignore it.

     Also, I'm totally cool with hunting down this Thomas Batts guy. At first, I was a bit apprehensive, given the potential relation he might have to Moderator Burton Crystal, but now, I don't care. Those who hurt my brother will suffer. And don't you know it, I tracked that rat down. Yes, it appears that he is, in fact, who Rich thought he was. Who knew he'd be so passionate about carrying out revenge for someone he doesn't even know?

     I used to think the entire world was against me and Tsuki, but Rich and Lindy really give me hope. I can easily say that Lindy was a much better mother figure than myself. I'm so grateful that she was there for him. For the sake of all those people like Lindy and Rich, I gotta give this revolution thing a try.

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