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   I swear loudly, and then a little video camera sticks out of an opening in the roof. It's a human video camera, that has a little blue lens in the centre.

   "Dex Dizznee, Marella Redek. I have to say, I didn't expect you to get this far. Well done." A chuckle sounded around us, and I looked around to see little speakers tacked up to the walls. They had gotten us stuck in every way. Lady Gisela's voice was cold, and sent shivers down my spine.

   "I would have rather watched you both die, but then again, we need you both, for purposes much more important than entertainment. Though I am glad that we've stopped you." I could practically hear the smile in Gethen's voice, as he added to Gisela's comment.

   "You haven't stopped us." Dex's voice came out like a growl.

   "You've just, uh, suspended our escape," I added, sounding super lame.

   "I love how you think that you can stop us. You think that you can simply show off your abilities, and think that we will surrender. No, young ones, we are more powerful than you could ever imagine." Verspera's voice was no more than a horse whisper, but it was definitely there.

   "You can never stop us," Fintan's voice filled the room. I nearly had a heart attack. He had escaped. "Don't look so worried, Miss Redek, I'm still in my prison. Locked up tight, out of harm's way. For now." He laughed, a terrible laugh, like the true villain he was, claiming victory. A small part of my brain wondered how he could be talking to us, connected by some human tech. But then I remembered that this was the Neverseen we were talking about.

   "Don't worry, young—" Vespera's voice suddenly cut out. I was shaken from my trance, when I saw Dex, holding an armful of tiny human speakers. He grinned crookedly, and I could barely believe he could smile at a time like this, but I found myself grinning too.

   "I spent weeks designing something like this for Sophie's iPod." I couldn't help but think that Dex was a genius. With their teasing voices were gone, I could finally think clearly. The video camera was still there, so I covered it up with my hand, to hide what we were doing. Once Dex had made sure that the speakers could no longer connect to the Neverseen members, wherever they may be, he reached up the shaft where the camera had come down from. He felt around, but his forehead crinkled.

   "I can barely tell what's up there. It's like something is blocking my ability. Like with the decoy lock, I should have been able to feel that... I don't know what's happening." He dropped his hands to his sides in defeat.

   "I'll see what I can do," I offered. I reached up, and my fingers caught a latch. The camera tilted. I adjusted my hold on the lens. I reached up further, and felt another knob. I twisted it, suddenly the whole camera set up came crashing down.

   I leapt out of the way to avoid being crushed.

   "Well that worked—sort of." I looked over to see him grinning.

   "Looks like you opened up a pathway." He glanced up into the dark hole. "Do you think I should go up first? I hope that there aren't any dangers up there."

   "Sure, you might have to help me up," I gestured down at my scabbed legs.

   He jumped up, and his muscles tensing as he pulled himself up, into the darkness.    

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