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   Marella, keep your cool.

   I wished at that moment I could become a Telepath. I could practically see steam coming out of her ears.

   "I will never join you!" Marella screamed, seemingly overwhelmed with anger. "You're the villains."

   "That's really too bad," Gethen said, faking disappointment. "Well, at least give me credit for trying. I suppose I'll have to use some persuasion. How would you feel if poor, disoriented, Caprise Redek accidentally stumbled off of her balcony, and ended her misery? Oh, wouldn't that just break your heart?" He looked over at me, and a malevolent grin grew across his face. "Or, what if Bex Dizznee, innocent, little Bex, accidentally followed suit? How her sad parents would feel." He mimed crying with his hands.

   "You're a monster," Marella growled.

   If I had been able to speak, I would probably be screaming too.

   "But what if her parents figured out that her death could have been prevented? What if they figured out that two selfish kids could have saved their beloved, little daughter?"

   My breathing stopped. How would Mom and Dad feel? Their crying voices filled my head. What would it be like to loose a child? I know they love her so much.

   "Fine," Marella said, a scowl prominent on her face. "I'll join your cause."

   Gethen grinned. "Do you speak for Mr. Diznee as well?"

   "No," Marella seethed. "I have a deal for you."

   "As I said before, I'll be making the deals, but, I'll let it slip, because I want to hear your proposal." Gethen motioned for her to continue.

   "I'll come to the Neverseen, of my own free will, and will be the obedient little Pyrokinetic you want me to be, if you set Dex free. And I mean free. You don't hurt him or anything." Her reasoning seemed okay to me, but then I saw the loophole she left. Her deal didn't provide any protection for our families and friends.

   I tried to tell her that, but my gag tightened, and I realized Gethen was controlling it. His finger twitched, and it felt like my tongue was being ripped out.

   "Deal," Gethen said, stalking over to her, hand outstretched.

   Marella held out her hands, and Gethen snapped the bonds with Telekinesis. He was a really powerful, I realized, trying to hide my shudder. She wiggled her fingers, and stretched out her hand too.

   "Deal—" she said, but was cut off by a scream of pain. A golden knife was lodged in her inner forearm.

   "Sorry, one detail I forgot to mention. We desperately need your little Technopathic friend, so that deal's off."

   "But..." Marella stuttered, biting her tongue, and drawing blood. It must've really hurt. "But you agreed to it—"

   She was cut off by another gasp of pain. The knife twisted in her already bloodied hand. She reached over to pull it out, but Gethen must have been holding it in place.

   "Sorry, what did you say?" Gethen teased, a cruel grin growing on his face.

   "I said that you agreed to the deal," she gritted through her pain. "You must release Dex Diznee—"

   She screamed as another golden knife dug into her other hand. A shamkiv appeared, and gouged her face. A strangled cry escaped her lips, and her eyes looked like she would rather die than be there. Her eyes locked with mine, and I felt her pain for a moment. I wanted to help her, but pathetic, little me wasn't able to do anything. I just sat and watch her get mauled. An all to familiar smell filled my nose.


   Now I really understand why Sophie hates them.

   My thoughts were lulled into a dreamless sleep. When I tried to keep consciousness, all I heard were ugly, terrible screams, of a dying girl. Someone who was in pain because of me. Because they had tried to save me. Marella was the hero. I was just a burden, causing her to try to save me. I fell into sleep. But it was no relief. Because my sleep just meant that I would have to wake up.

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