Chapter Thirteen- The Shame

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"A-ash?" Loki whispered softly once they were alone, and tilted his head to the side as if trying to determine if Ash was even real. "Yes, Loki. It's me." Ash responded gently, doing his best to reassure him, "I'm really here."

Loki stepped over to him immediately, cupping Ash's face in his hands and leaning forward to kiss him with a desperation that Ash had never expected. He was left shocked and breathless when Loki paused for air, only to be swept away once more when Loki continued his desperate assault.

After a few moments, Ash came to his senses and gently pushed Loki back. Taking a few deep breaths he eventually asked Loki to stop. Loki tried to pull him closer again, tugging gently with his hands on Ash's waist. "" Ash chided softly, and Loki finally stopped, blinking almost owlishly at Ash standing in front of him. "Do you know where you are?" Ash asked, trying to see if he had come back to reality at last.

"T-this....." Loki started, hesitant, "This is really the Tower....isn't it....?"

"Yes." Ash confirmed, a bit relieved to see him so clear-headed for the first time, "We managed to track you and Strange created a portal so we could rescue you. But you've been..."

"Lost?" Loki interjected, his voice a soft whisper of sound that Ash almost missed.

"That's one way to put it." Ash replied wryly, nodding, only for Loki to suddenly pull him flush against his body and begin kissing him once more.
His kiss was still desperate, but there was a new hunger added to it that hadn't been there before. Ash found it difficult to think under this new onslaught, and even harder to care. The desperate hunger in Loki's kiss spoke to him in a way he had never felt before, and before long he found himself returning the kiss with a desperate hunger of his own.

Loki slowly walked Ash back up against the wall by his bed, lifting him up and wrapping Ash's legs around his waist so he could grind himself against him, and Loki whimpered quietly when Ash rocked his hips in time with his own.

Loki only stopped kissing Ash to leave a trail of light nibbles down his throat, and Ash moaned in response. Ash was suddenly desperate for more, his entire body on fire for the god between his legs. Loki heard Ash moan and tried to use his magic to remove their clothes, only to be thwarted by the cuffs he still wore. Growing confused by this, he took a step back and Ash slid down, landing back on his feet.

Ash suddenly regained his own senses when Loki pulled away and felt horrified at himself. He had almost taken advantage of Loki in his confused state.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have done that!" Ash said, "I should have controlled myself better than that!" He stepped away from Loki and moved to leave the room, only for Loki to grab one of his wrists to stop him.

"This really is real, isn't it?" Loki asked, his voice soft and filled with confusion as he looked down at the cuff around his left wrist. "Yes, Loki. We just hadn't managed to take those off yet." Ash explained, not really expecting Loki to fully believe him yet. "But let me try something, okay?" Ash continued, remembering what had happened earlier with the tag. He took a moment to gather his anger, and when he did, he felt power surge along his veins. When he grasped one of the cuffs in his hand and pushed that power outward, the cuff shattered. Pieces fell to the floor as Ash felt a sudden drain on his strength, as if he had just run for the last hour. Sweat even beaded up on his forehead. But he was ecstatic, he had managed to break one of the cuffs, and instantly moved to break the next. Grabbing Loki's other wrist, he repeated what he had done before.

The second cuff shattered as well, but Ash was even more drained than before, and the sweat began to drip down his face as his breathing grew labored under the strain. Next Ash went for both of his legs at once, hoping that if he broke them at the same time the drain wouldn't be doubled. He succeeded in breaking the cuffs, but the drain that time had been immense, and left him weakened on the floor. He had used too much power and could no longer stand on his own.

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