Panic (Levi x Pregnant Reader)

Start from the beginning

When you had first realized that you were pregnant, you nearly had a panic attack on the spot. To make matters worse, Mikasa walked in at that very moment. She had come to deliver a message, only to find you hyperventilating on the floor. You swore her to secrecy, and then you ran to your sister's house on the other side of town. You had been there ever since, hiding from the world while you tried to wrap your head around the situation.

You couldn't believe it. You and Levi had been so, so careful. But then, there was that one time... But it was only once... Surely, it wouldn't have...

But it did.

Most women were overjoyed when they got pregnant. However, you were different from them, for several reasons. One, the timing couldn't have been worse, because Paradis was preparing to go to war with the world, and you needed to be able to fight alongside your friends and comrades. Two, you never even wanted to have children in the first place, and you were frightened of what it would do to your body. And three, you couldn't imagine raising a child in this messed-up reality. All of it left you with an overwhelming sense of dread.

Now, as you dry heaved yet again, you heard the faint sounds of the front door opening and closing, followed by a series of footsteps on the floor. Then there was a knock.

"Captain (f/n)?" Mikasa called. "May I come in?"

You put a small effort into making yourself look presentable before replying, "Yes."

However, you clearly still looked like a mess, because Mikasa winced as soon as she saw you. "Are you alright?" she asked as she sat down on the floor next to you. "You look like you haven't eaten or slept since the last time I saw you."

"I haven't," you admitted quietly.

"Have you tried?"

You nodded.

Her typically flat expression morphed into one of concern. "Okay. Well...I understand why you're upset. You have a good reason to be. Even so, we have to figure out some way for you to calm down. All this stress isn't good for you, or..." She hesitated before finishing, "...or the baby."

That word made your stomach churn once again. "I know," you said, your voice nearly a whimper. "I've tried to calm down. I really have. But I just can't."

Mikasa bit her lip, then suggested carefully, "Maybe you should tell Captain Levi. I know I'm always saying that I don't like him, but he is your husband, and he clearly cares about you. If anyone can help, he can."

"No, no, I can't," you insisted. "He has enough to worry about. He doesn't need...this." You took a shaky breath. "Besides...I don't want him to see me...when I'm..."

Mikasa placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, and she could feel your body shaking. "He won't think any less of you," she stated. "And even though there is a lot going on right now, I'm sure he would want to know. He loves you more than anything. All of us can tell."

"I know," you whispered, feeling your throat become tight. "I just can't..."

You choked on the end of your sentence as the tears began to flow. Mikasa awkwardly patted your shoulder, doing her best to comfort you. However, in your current state, that task was next to impossible.


You heard the front door open and close. You didn't think much of it, since it was likely your sister, or maybe Mikasa again. However, at the next sound, you suddenly snapped to attention.

"(F/n)?" Levi called worriedly. "(F/n)?"

Your surprise gave you a burst of energy, and you flew from your bedroom to the top of the stairs. You looked down into the foyer, and your eyes met with his.

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