The whole scene mirrored a live-action or what was taught in a science textbook; billions and trillions of desperate seeds aggressively fought to advance to its goal.

"Stop pushing me! Just let me through!" Athena bawled in bitterness.

She was wet and hurt from all of the hit she received. She had tolerated what ugly obstacles the universe had offered her, and now all she wanted was to seek comfort from the man she wanted so much. Even that, they had opposed it.

Her frustration grew much more than her small frame could handle, and she could only block out the loud screams with her hands to create a feeble barricade—sinking lowly to the ground, blending well with the fallen dead leaves, trying her best to stay alive from the deadly stomps of these running wild buffaloes.

Theo did a fairly good job at pursuing Athena's ill-defined figure from afar as a consequence of the rain, causing his eyes to see things vaguely. But, it wasn't until her shadow disappeared into the group that he grew anxious.

He stepped further from his limo, stretching his neck here and there to check on her but she was no where in sight. He knew though, she was still somewhere there.

He paced leisurely to the closest bodyguard who was busy holding down sixteen girls at a time, and gave a gentle tap on the bald man's shoulder, so mild that the rain stroke harder than his touch.

However, it was how the bodyguard could tell the difference anyway and he looked up over his shoulder, not focusing straight to his Young Master's eyes as it— being one of the precise rules of the Cielo household, and waited for a command.

Two seconds passed.



No command was given.

The sixteen girls' brain stuttered, barely even remembering who they were at the proximity of Theo, and so—they stopped struggling almost immediately.

This was one of the many times, a member of the Thieves could flaunt on their supremecy.

As soon as the small mass of crowd relinquished in contending with his bald bodyguard, the others followed—as though Theo's message was sent through airbourne.

Athena's head raised up, baffled at the horrendous noise being swept away and the continuous impact of their legs had also stopped. Of course not, that she wasn't elated.

Theo grinned from ear to ear when he spotted Athena at somewhere in the back, legs folded on one side, hair clumped loosely in a terrifying nest.

Although being in an unpleasant position in which she thought her addled mind was fooling her—she still stood out especially well to the magnificent man—like a diamond in the earth.

"My love, what are you still doing on the ground? You don't belong there," Theo uttered loudly at best, but it came off as nothing but a mutter—as expected from the unusually quiet introvert.

The people's clamorous gasps filled the whole area as they followed Theo's unceasing gaze towards North East of where Theo stood, or rather someone who was in that particular direction.

Athena managed to comprehend his inaudible sentence and smiled, tucking her hair at the back of her ear again as it was getting heavy from the downpour— also because it was shaped for a bird's home.

She quickly rose to her feet with her palms being her best support on the uneven, rough surface of the street as she started walking over— mayhap even stepping on some of his dear fans.

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