Chapter Three - basilwether

Start from the beginning

Walking through the crowd with an awkward smile on my face. "Happy birthday aurora!" I heard through the crowds.

Spotted my mother talking to a family. The family looked quite familiar but I only payed attention to my mother. "Who invited you?...Well my dear, I certainly didn't...I don't like you and I never will, so if you could please leave, that would be quite wonderful" Mother has never raised her voice this much before, it's quite frightening.

"Margaret, Oh my! I thought it would be disrespectful to not invite the Basilwethers" John hops into the conversation. I suppose from my eavesdropping, John invited the Basilwethers without my mother's permission.

Oh! The Basilwethers. My family's enemie. Why you may ask? I certainly do not know. It has to do something with money and gold but I don't bother learning about it. John doesn't have a problem with them since he is new to the family, but my mother gets frustrated whenever she hears their name. All I know is that the family holds a mother and a father, a grandmother, uncle and a son. The son is around my age I heard.

"Mother?" I tap on her shoulder after the Basilwethers have gone to the other side of the building. "Aurora! You look beautiful in that dress!!" She gives me a tight squeeze while balancing on her heels. "Thank you m-mother" turns out her squeezing made me gasp for air after she let go. "Can you believe John invited the Basilwethers? He knows how much I despise them" Mother turns over at the Basilwethers who were gathered around in the ball room. "I don't mind them mother. Don't worry about it" I tried calming her down. "And the decor looks great!" I compliment her hard work. "Oh I didn't do any of this. Florence did" she takes a sip of some wine. "Oh"

After having to deal with greeting the guests I come across the boy I despise. George. "Hello darling. Happy 17th. You look rather beautiful today" he bows down as if I were the princess of this town. Giving me his hand for me to kiss. But I declined right away "Thank you George, but I still wont love you. So stop acting like I will" I spin around quickly but he pulls my wrist towards him. "I love you" He whispers. I shaked my hand out of his. "No you don't!! You simply can't love someone you barley know of. Stop it with your ridiculousness" I storm out of the place with tears wanting to release from my eyes. But Aurora, You can't cry over this. You'll look stupid.

After not having to deal with the loud crowd I'm now in the halls. It's quiet and peaceful. Until I heard a  piano playing from one of the rooms. With my curiosity I slowly peeked through the room and notice a young man playing the piano. "wonderful" I mumbled under my breath while hearing the man play. I will say, he's talented for a young man like him.

Without knowing, I'm already in the room, admiring this mans talent. Then suddenly he stops. Gazing over at me.

he's looking at me.

and I'm looking at him.

Without a word coming from our mouths, it felt like our stare was saying so much words. It felt like we've known each other for our whole lives.

"I'm sorry, is this your piano? I should proba-"

"No no. It's fine. I don't play it anymore" I sit next to him admiring more and more of this man. "You play wonderfully" I complimented him. "Thank you" he smiles.

"I don't suppose you have time to teach me, do you?" I look away from the man and over at the piano. Feeling the nostalgia from when I was little.

I used to play the piano so much as a kid. But suddenly I've lost motivation to play it. And now I wouldn't say I'm the best at it anymore.

"If it's worth the time, then yes I'd love to" giving me another smile before he places his hands over mine that were on the piano keys. Feeling his cold hands against mine felt magical. I don't know why.

"You're gonna wanna press this key, and then that one" I follow his directions and next thing I know, I started to feel it again

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"You're gonna wanna press this key, and then that one" I follow his directions and next thing I know, I started to feel it again. Nostalgia. Every different key I hit, felt like a different memory I had when I was little.

"That's impressive! Have you played before?" He did have a very nice British accent. The tone of his voice calmed me. "Yes. But it was a very long time ago, I don't quite remember the basics" we both did that stare again. Where it felt like we didn't have to say anything but we knew. We knew what we felt.

"I'm Tewkesbury. Tewkesbury Basilwether" He brought his hand out.

Did he just say Basilwether?! No no no. I cannot be seen with this man. I don't have a problem with the Basilwethers but my mother does.

"Basilwether?" I quickly jumped from the seat. "Y-yes. Is there something wrong?" He got up from the seat as well. "I-I can't be seen with you. My family- they- they hate your family" I look back outside of the room making sure no one was looking. "You must be the Daffers. Aren't you?" He walked closer to me with his hands against his chest. I nodded quickly. "Look, thank you for the lesson but it's better for the both of us to not be seen together" i sighed as I wanted to stay here longer. I spun around heading towards the door. But I heard his voice again, making me stop.

"Aurora" He knows my name. "I don't care about the fact that our families are enemies, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen"

I slowly spun back around with eyes amazed by his words. I know we just met but this man..he- he's perfect. Everything about him is just- perfect.

"Tewkesbury" his name that came out of my mouth felt warm. "I appreciate your compliment. But I can't risk the fact that we could be in danger if we're seen together" without a thought I quickly left the room leaving the man alone. Oh dear! If only I could go back in there without a worry.

But goodness, I'm marrying another man soon.

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