Return to Omashu

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"I can't believe it, I know that the war has spread far, but Omashu has always seemed untouchable."

"Up until now."

"Now Ba Sing Se is the only earth Kingdom stronghold left."

"This is horrible, but we have to move on."

"No, I'm going in to find Bumi."

"Aang stop! We don't even know if Bumi is still around.."

I hit him in the ribs,"be the at least sympathetic." I say gritting my teeth.

"I know that you had your heart set on Bumi but there are other people who can teach you earthbending."

"Yeah me."

"No this isn't about finding a teacher, this is about finding a friend."


"Secret passage? Why didn't we use this last time?"
Aang opens the passage open,"does that answer your question?"


"This is a sewer, what did you expect?" I roll my eyes.
Aang was bringing the water above us, Katara was, Sokka was in front of me as I bended the water for the both of us.


"That wasn't as bad as I thought."

I came out and so did Sokka we were almost covered in sewer water. "Of course you are the one who said that." I say monotonously.
Katara bended the water over us. There were purple suckers on his sides of his face. There is only one on me.We both pulled at them, then Aang rubbed their tops and they came off. "Hey! What are you kids doing past curfew?"

"Sorry we were just on our way home."

We started moving then the man yells back. "What's the matter with these two?"

We all stopped, Katara examines our spots. "They have Pentapox, sir. Umm it's highly contagious as you can see!"

Sokka and I start to act like we're loosing our senses. "Ahh the pain! Save us!" I fake a cough.

"It hurts so bad I'm dying!"

"And deadly!" Katara adds on.

"Hey I think I heard of petapox!Didnt your  cousin die of it? We better wash your hands and burn our clothes!"

We sent them running away. I put my hand up to fist bump him, he actually responds like someone from my world. "Thank you sewer friend."

We found way of what the city is. "We better find Bumi and get out of here."

"Where would they be keeping him?"

"Somewhere he can't earthbend."
"Metal?" I ask.

We ran to find somewhere the looks like metal, but soon a rock came towards our direction. I used my earthbending to redirect it to another direction. Aang used his airbending for his."The resistance!"

"You're crazy we aren't the resistance!"

"That's what they always say!"

I face palm myself, who says that? Murderers always say it's not them and they always get suspected.

A girl around my age threw sharp items at me and Aang. We were running while Katara was bending the water in her pouch.
I really wanted to fight and protect every individual that I'm friends with. I miss Maddie, my best friend.

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