The Blind Bandit

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A small town we found to get our resources, restock, and get more food. "It's pricey."
"You should get it!" I punch lightly at Sokka.
"Y/n! Why do you keep punching me!"
"I like teasing you, ever heard of that?"

"You should get it! You deserve something nice." Katara joins in on the conversation; Aang is just spaced. "I do don't I?"
"Man purse." I whisper into his ear.

"Y/n, really!"
I start to laugh and smile,"Sokka, I'm just joking!"

"It's too expensive, I shouldn't buy it." Sokka continues the internal war of the decision.

I look at Aang, he must be thinking about that girl. "Aang, you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm just thinking."

"Oh, ok." I say and look back up. We all leave Sokka alone but not too far. He comes running back and has the bag with him. "I like the man purse, it really makes the blue in your clothes pop." I sarcastically announce.

"Well if you like to so much, wait what?"

Then some guy comes up to us,"hey you kids like earthbending? You like throwing rocks? Well check out Master Yu's Earthbending academy!"

"My answer to your questions are yes and yes!" I reply to the solicitor.

He shows a phoney smile and leaves.
"Look there's a coupon on the back! The first lesson is free!"
I start to laugh again. "You look at this and the first thing you say is that! You sound like my mom!"
"Now that's funny!" Sokka starts laughing as well.

Don't try too hard to be funny, alright. That's how you be funny. "As this shows Master Yu could be the earthbending teacher you've been looking for.


We sit outside of the training for Aang, it's been awhile to be quite honest. Then he comes out of the entryway. "Eh, he's not the one."

"I think that the Boulder will win back the belt of Earth Rumble Six."
"He's going to fight through the best earthbenders in the world to get a shot at the champ!"

Best earthbenders?
I could probably become a master with the help of the winner!
"Where is this tournament exactly!" Aang asks the two boys.

"It's on the island of None ya, none ya business!"

Sokka laughs, sounds somewhat forced. Tears of joy coming out of his eyes. "I gotta remember that one!"

"We'll take care of this?"
"We? Ahh!"  Katara yanks me to follow them.

"Hey strong guys, wait up!" She has a smile on her face as she pulls me in their direction.
"What are you doing!" I grit through my teeth.
"Listen when we come to them we get them in an alleyway and use our water bending." She lowers her voice into my ears.
"I like that plan!"

Katara eyes me and I eye her back. We both get water out of our pouches and freeze them to the wall.
"I know you have a thing for us but oh well." I say in the most disappointed tone.

"I guess we can never go to Earth Rumble six! We can never see the greatest earthbenders ever." Then Katara adds a dramatic sigh.

"Fine! Earth Rumble Six is a tournament underground, here's the map!"
"Thanks for doing business with us." I smirk and we start to leave.
"What do we get?"
"Let me think. Oh you get to stay here!" I plaster a smile onto my face.

"Y/n! Come on!"
"Oh coming!" I run to Katara's direction.
"Are you ready to find an earthbending teacher? Because we're going to Earth Rumble Six!"

"How'd you get them to tell you?"
"Oh girls have their ways."

• • • • •

The front row, a good but yet horrible decision at once. Rocks were thrown at us at times and it was a better view though. Sokka was really excited, he kept cheering on for 'The Boulder', I was interested but not that much.

I'm just waiting for the champion to come on stage. Waiting for 'The Boulder' to loose.

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for. The Blind Bandit!"
"She can't really be blind, it's only a part of her character right?"

I stare at her eyes, normally if someone is blind their eyes are a lighter color or look foggy. Her eyes in fact are like that.
"I think she is."
"She is."
"How do you know?" Katara asks gesturing towards me

"Oh, you never went to school. Anyways normally when someone is blind their eyes look somewhat similar to her's."
"Oh ok, got it!"

I turn back to the arena, she's mocking him. God I love her already! She is taking his pride slowly. Soon after not even ten minutes passing she already defeated him.

"How did she do that?"
"I need to learn that!" I smile as I look at the arena.

"To make this more interesting, I'm offering up this sack of gold pieces to anyone who can defeat the Blind Bandit!"

No one walks up.
Should I or Aang go up there? Aang needs to have his shot, I probably would defeat her or I would be defeated in front of millions of viewers. You know what I'll stay.

"No one dares to face her?"
Aang walks to the arena "I will!"

Then two minutes passed, the Blind Bandit is defeated. I'm taking a guess that Aang used his airbending since you can't see air.


"I gotta admit I'm glad I bought the bag, it matches the belt perfectly."
"That is a big relief." Katara replies sarcastically.
"I think now on we should call it Sokka's Manpurse." I announce and laugh at my own joke.

"Good one y/n!"
"If we want to find the blind Bandit the earthbending academy is a good place to start."

We walk in and we already see two people, very familiar. "Ah so I see you did get out of the ice!"I plaster a fake smile on my face.

"Oh great, you again!"
Katara moves closer to them quickly to make them jump while I stare at them and point my two fingers at myself and them two times.

"Yeah I didn't think so!"
"Pathetic 'men.' I quote using my fingers to mock them.

"Nicely done." Sokka approved.
"Hey you're the kid that beat the blind bandit!"
"We need to talk to her, do you know where she lives?"

"The blind bandit is a mystery, she shows up to fight and disappears."
"Let me handle this." Katara talks affectionate, then immediately mom friend mode. "You're not telling us everything!"

I raise my head by looking at the ground. "No he's actually telling the truth."
"That girl is right! No one knows who she is and where she lives!"

"That's because we're asking about the wrong person. In my vision there was a girl in a white dress with a pet flying boar. Know anyone like that?"
"Well the pet boar is a symbol of the Beifong family, they're the richest family in town. Probably the whole world!"

Posting two times in the same week on the same story? Yeah I'm very motivated to writing as of right now!  Anyways how is your year going so far?

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