Chapter 2

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King Humayun marched towards the main gate of the castle hurriedly, as soon as he saw King Bakhtiyar he bowed down while keeping a hand on his chest,

"Salam Alykum"

Both the kings shook hands and King Humayun led Bakhtiyar to the royal hall.


Jahaanaara closed her eyes as she sunk down in the warm water as the maids began massaging the shampoo in her hair. A maid entered the room and bowed down,
"My princess, your presence is required at the royal hall" She dismissed her with a nod and exited the bath.

The maid began braiding her long hair. After spending a few minutes on getting her prepared, they made her wear a gown that complimented her brown skin even more. She stood up, straightened her shoulders and started walking towards the hall followed by the maids.

"I hope you had a safe journey, king" said her father.
"Indeed, the journey was quite peaceful"

She could hear the manly voice of the Persian King as she neared the hall.

The guard announced her arrival as she entered. There was the prince sitting next to her father and Zal.
"Come here my child" King Humayun held her by the shoulders and she bowed down.

Her eyes met his, a beautiful shade of green almost like an ocean complimenting his bronze skin a lot. Those eyes were hiding the nature behind. Never before have any eyes held such danger and beauty all at once. He was a wild fire: reckless, untamed, yet undeniably captivating.

She broke the eye contact and took a seat besides Zal,who gave her a tight lipped smile.

"So let's begin discussing what we gathered for, shall we?" Humayun said.
"Sure, let's begin" 
"As you know, nothing unites two kingdoms better than a common enemy" Bakhtiyar smirked. "Our biggest enemies, the Akhshans have declared a war against us along with  the warrior tribes of the Hind. This makes them stronger than us. Your ancestors have always stood with us, in our difficult times. To have you by our side this time would be an honor. Would you like to make our relation even more strong"

Bakhtiyar affirmed by saying, "I'd like to go by the tradition of my fathers"

Everybody began chanting the names of these kingdoms and the royals stood up as the two kings hugged each other.

At the dinner table, King Humayun began introducing his family,
"This is Zal, my son" They both shook hands.
"And this is Jahaanaara, my daughter... " she bowed down a little, "as well as the second leader of the army" Jahaanaara's eyes slightly widened. Her father gave her a warm smile. She glanced at Zal who had a dark expression that wasn't making her feel comfortable.

They all began eating and the servants started to pour down different indian and persian food on their plates. After the dinner began some poetry sessions, Jahaan felt being watched by someone but it was nobody until, she had a look at Bakhtiyar. They both looked away as their eyes met and the function went on.


Jahaan's pov:

"Aren't you a cute little pigeon?" Jahaan loved them dearly. She had been collecting them all for months. As she held her pigeon, she eyed his beauty,his white feathers were so calming to look at. Both her personal maids admired her love for them.

"Have you named it, princess?" Afsanah, one of the personal maids asked,
"Yes I have named it, gulub" She grinned and left the pigeaon to fly freely with its companions.

She heard faint noises of metal whipping through the air. Out of curiosity, she moved closer to the source of that noise, she looked down from the terrace, only to find Bakhtiyar practising. He appeared so masculine while handling those two heavy swords so easily, so professionally. His physical appearance did make him look like an athlete but she hadn't thought even in her wildest dreams about him knowing swordplay.

As Bakhtiyar felt being watched he quickly looked up, and found the princess. Their eyes met for a brief second and drifted away in a jiffy.


The man in the black cloak entered the royal court and kneeled in front of the king, who was seated on his throne "Hail to the king".

The king nodded and questioned the mysterious man,
"What news have you brought this time?". The man spoke in a raspy voice. The wrinkles on his skin made him lok like a corpse that had been revived. "Allow me to show you"

Upon getting permission from the king, he took out a ball from his cloak and began chanting the spells. It suddenly started to glow and showed the king what needed to be seen.

So yeah...
here's the 2nd chap.
It would be really kind of ya'll to vote and/or share your opinions. Ty💛

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