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This chapter may contain things that could be of potential triggers to some of you. There will be mentions of Kobayashi's past and his father who you have not met yet nor want to meet. Kobayashi has it extremely rough and some of you could be going through the exact same thing or have gone through it in the past. Please keep this in mind while reading. Kobayashi's background story isn't pretty, so get prepared for some deep shit for those of you who wish to continue. I repeat do not continue if you think there's even a slight possibility this specific topic could trigger you.

Now for those of you who wish to continue, think to yourselves one last final time and really think it through this time. Do you wish to read this chapter or are you not going to take the chance? I'll leave the decision making up to you. Choose wisely. I'm sure you guys at least have an idea of what Kobayashi's home life is like, but I'll leave the trigger warning of what the trigger is down below.



Kobayashi sighed before standing up. He brought his hand to his forehead and very lightly grazed his fingers across it, feeling the huge scar that would be there forever. He traced it with his index finger before taking his hand back down and looking at it.

Visions from that night came rushing back to him all at once. The way he had looked down at the palm of his hand except it was dripping with blood. He remembers the crimson liquid oozing out of him, drops of it staining his shirt. He remembers the look his father had given him once receiving the very harsh punishment from him. It was a look no kid wanted to see from their father. It was the look of plain disgust, utter disapproval. It was the look of disappointment.

The boy had spent nearly fifteen minutes trying to put pressure on the deep gash on his forehead, hours before finally losing all consciousness and blacking out. If it wasn't for his younger brother being there, he could have very well died from blood loss that night.

He was beginning to lose all train of thought, of access to the world around him, as his mind took him somewhere else, somewhere much darker than the skies that surrounded him.

He was, in fact, having a panic attack. He took deep shaky breathes as his breathing pace began to quicken, his heart beating rapidly in his chest as he slowly drew his hands upwards, taking hold of his straight raven hair and entangling his fingers within it, tugging on it with so much force, nearly ripping the hairs right out of his head.

He dropped to his knees. Once his knees had come in contact with the pavement, he hunched forwards, staring down at the ground with widened eyes as if the concrete had been the one thing he feared most in this world which would be his dad of course. Could you even call him that? He wasn't much of a dad after all. What kind of dad abuses their own son?

" Hey, are you alright? Hey, can you hear me? Hara, is it? Come with me, " A voice spoke, suddenly breaking the what thought to be endless pit of darkness. He wasn't fully brought back to his senses though. His eyes weren't as wide as they were just a second ago as he slowly lifted his head to be met with a familiar face, a face he had seen before.

The familiar face stared back at him before helping him to his feet. Kobayashi could barely stand, seeing as his entire body had been quivering with fear. His fingers had finally let go of his hair and his hands had wrapped around him, hugging himself as he shakily looked back down at the ground, his hair now a complete mess.

He was led back inside the school building and watched as I had left the yarichin bitch club room. Kobayashi could feel his entire body tense up as he stiffened. The boy walking alongside him while holding onto him in order to keep him steadied noticed this, his attention quickly averting away from the ravenette and over to me instead.

" I know of a place we can go. Here, quickly follow me before he spots us, " The boy had said, quickly leading Kobayashi to an old janitors closet that was never used anymore. Kobayashi begin to cough the second he had entered the janitors closet. The place was extremely dusty, musty as hell. There was no trouble to tell it was old and unused. He covered his cough as the brunette helped him sit down.

" Yeah, sorry about that. It's pretty filthy in here, but no one will ever find you in here. That's the good thing about this place. I come here every time this guy and I get in these stupid arguments over the stupidest shit, " Yacchan mumbled the last few words, pain strikingly obvious in his voice. He let out a sigh before brushing off his pants and taking a seat next to Kobayashi on the floor.

Kobayashi had his back pressed up against the wall and his knees drawn in close so that they were pressed up against his chest, his arms wrapped around them securely. Yacchan crossed his legs so that they were crisscrossed and rested his elbows on his knees, placing the palms of his hands against his cheeks as he let out another sigh. Kobayashi was barely listening to a word he was saying. His head felt as though it was spinning.

" Would this by any chance have anything to do with Nichirin Kimura? You got even more tense when you spotted him in the hall. . " Yacchan spoke softly, sitting up straight and turning his head, glancing in Kobayashi's direction as he placed a hand on his shoulder. Kobayashi flinched and Yacchan quickly took his hand down from his shoulder, apologizing to him as he did so.

" Nichirin Kimura isn't the reason for this, " Kobayashi spoke, making himself clear, yet speaking in a monotone voice, making sure Yacchan knew I had nothing to do with his sudden panic attack. Yacchan nodded his head slightly and Kobayashi took a deep shaky breath.

" You should talk to him about whatever's going on in your life. I can tell that you need him from the way you look at him to the way you speak of him. . " Yacchan said quietly, beginning to hum softly to himself and stopping the instant the other boy had stood up, using both hands to push himself up off of the dirty floor.

Yacchan quickly scrambled to his feet as Kobayashi staggered towards the door, reaching for the doorknob without saying another word.

" Hara? " Came Yacchan's voice from behind him, beginning to sound more faintly as Kobayashi drew closer and closer to the yarichin bitch clubroom.

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