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  • Dedicated to My Wonderful Wayward Whovians

It had been three months since the mission had started. It had been three months of law school classes, dates with Cas, and small and vague updates to Sam. Dean insisted on Sam continuing with cases without him, promising he had things handled and that he was following a major lead even though he wasn't. After weeks of persuasion, Dean finally made Sam agree. In the meantime, Dean spent every day with Castiel, resulting in Dean falling more and more deeply in love with him.

To mark their three month anniversary, the two went to a movie and a nice restaurant. On the ride home to Castiel's apartment, Cas made Dean stop the car.

Cas was looking out the window of the passenger's seat when he saw it. 

"Dean stop!"


"Stop the car Dean!"

Dean stopped suddenly, beginning to get concerned. 

Castiel got out of the car and started to climb onto the roof of the Impala.

Dean got out of the car and laughed lightly when he finally realized why Cas was so keen on stopping. 

"You're gonna break the car you know?"

"Shhh," Castiel sounded, completely fixated on the sky.

"Don't shush me, you're the one on my car!"

"Shhhhhh," Cas sounded again this time laughing, but never taking his eyes off the sky.

"What's so special up there anyway?"

"Everything," he whispered. 

Dean sighed as he rested his right foot, then left on the driver seat part of the car and lay next to Castiel looking up at the sky. 

"You know this obsession you have with the sky? Where does it come from?" Dean asked after a few minutes of total silence. 

"I don't really know," Cas replied, still focused on the sky. "My mom or dad never had a thing for astronomy.... I don't know, it's just always been in me."

Dean desperately searched Castiel's eyes for recognition or familiarity, but Cas would not look at him and Dean gave up. 

"Well what's so special about tonight that you felt the need to stop everything just to sit on top of my car?"

Castiel chuckled. "You probably haven't noticed, but it seems like the sky has been losing stars, like each night another is gone. It's just been pitch black, but tonight is different. Tonight, all the stars in the world have come together and, well look Dean! All the stars are in the sky again and everything's just so whole. The moon is full- it's just all so... beautiful."

Dean stared at him for minutes until Castiel looked at him for the first time. 

"I know you think it's an obsession, but I can't describe this feeling Dean. I feel at home when I look at the sky. I don't know, maybe it's my parents or- what?"

Dean had looked away, unable to meet Castiel's eyes as he talked about the parents he never had, the people he was unnecessarily grieving for. Dean wanted to take away the grief and pain, and to show Castiel that the reason he felt so special when looking at the sky was because it was his home, but instead he just said,

"Nothing. You're right, and I don't think it's an obsession; I think it's beautiful... I think you're beautiful."

Castiel looked back at the sky with a smile on his face. 

"What are you thinking?" asked Dean. 


"Well you have to be thinking something. It's impossible not to think anything."

"My mind is blank," Castiel laughed. 

"Come on, what are you thinking of?"

"You are so stubborn!"

"I'll shut up if you tell me."

Cas smiled. "You're a child. You know what I'm thinking."

"Yeah, but I'd love to hear you say it aloud."

Castiel turned to him, "I love you."

Dean smiled. 

"You're more beautiful than these stars you know."

Cas chuckled, "Lying is a bad habit, Dean Winchester; you should really attempt to quit."

Dean spoke with a laugh, but there was a small skip in his heart when he responded, "never."


Hi everyone! 

As most of you know, I had an Instagram account (destiel_in_the_tardis) as of yesterday. I decided to delete it, but I will still be writing on my Wattpad, continuing this story, and more to come. I really will miss my account and all the wonderful people I had met through it. So, this chapter is dedicated to my previous followers, my forever wayward whovians. I love you all so much and thank you for your support, your kindness, and your love. I'll never forget what you did for me <3

Love always,


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