Replaced Memories

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"Forget everything you know. Forget about Sam and Dean Winchester, Heaven, and who you are. Now, replace all these memories with false ones. You are an orphan; both your parents died in a car crash when you were young. You are 23 years old and you currently attend Stanford University as a law student. You do not know about hunters or angels, or anything supernatural. You were never an angel Castiel; you were always human."

When Castiel landed on Earth from the fall, this message kept ringing in his ears. He trudged through the road where he fell while his mind was fighting his heart, fighting for what memories were real, and what memories were not.

"I'm hunted, I rebelled, and I did it, all of it, for you."

That was... Was it? No, it definitely wasn't real, definitely not, just a weird dream or something... What was I just thinking about? Get it together Castiel.

"Hey Jude, don't make it bad..."

Yes, that's right. Mom used to sing me "Hey Jude" every night before I went to sleep. God, I miss her.

"I'd rather have you cursed or not."

Wait, I didn't say that... No Dea- who said that to me? No one did... Ugh what's wrong with me? I must have a headache or something...

"Welcome to your first day at Stanford, Castiel Novak, congratulations on your acceptance and I hope you have a wonderful next four years."

Yes, that was Tod Becknam from the administrator's office. That's right, yes it has to be. 

"We're family. We need you. I need you."

Dean. That's Dean. I need you too I-...

Who's Dean? ... I must be really hungover. 

Suddenly there were two bright lights and Castiel was knocked aside. 



"Dean, what can I do? What do we do?" Sam asked for the fourth time. Dean kept driving, ignoring Sam's question once again.

"Dean! What do we do about Cas? You saw it, you saw the angels fall. What-"

"Shut up Sam!" Dean snapped.

Sam was quiet.

"I'm sorry," Dean sighed. "I just don't know. I don't have a plan, Sammy. This was something I never anticipated."

"I know... Have you tried?"

"Tried what?" Dean asked even though he knew what Sam was asking.

"Have you prayed to him?"

"Have you?"

Sam chuckled. "You know he only responds to you."

"Yeah, I've tried. He's either not listening or... he's dead."

"Well hey, don't assume the worst."

Dean scoffed. "The worst usually happens."

Sam was silent.

"How are you feeling by the way?" Dean asked desperate to change the subject.

"You mean from the Trials?"


"Never better. I've been good for weeks. Cas, he really patched me up. It was nice of him to be willing to go inside me and.. fix me like that."

Sam laughed. 

"What?" Dean asked. 

"There's really no way for that not to sound dirty is there?"

"I guess not," Dean said unamused.

"Listen Dean, we'll find him, and we'll find him alive."

"How Sam? Kevin died from a demon months ago and all the angels are down. No one can help. We're on our own for this one and we're just not enough."

"We always have been."

Dean finally looked over to his brother.



Dean swerved violently. The car halted, thankfully not crashing into anything. The brothers were safe. 

"What the hell Sam?!"

"I saw him!"


As if on cue, Dean and Sam heard the angel cough and ran out of the car to help him.

"Cas?" Dean asked shocked. 

Castiel said three small words before he collapsed, unconscious:

"Who are you?"

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