In and Out of Consciousness

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"Happy birthday, big boy!"

"Thanks, mom, but I'm 18 you don't need to call me big boy." Cas laughed.

"Oh shush I can call you whatever I want. Now eat your birthday breakfast and your dad and I will be right back."

"Going to get my present? A little late don't you think?"

"Just be lucky you're getting a present." She said smiling. "I love you, Castiel. Happy birthday," she said kissing him on the cheek.

"Thanks mom, I love you too."

Cas awoke with a start.

He looked to his right and found Dean there looking at him. "Another nightmare?"

Cas sighed. "Not exactly, just remembering the morning of the crash. I don't think I told you, but it was my eighteenth birthday on the day my parents died. They were driving to get me a present. I just wish they were here."

"I know you do," Dean whispered, his thumb circling Castiel's palm. "I wish they could have been there at the wedding, Mr. Winchester," Dean smiled.

Wedding? Mr. Winchester? What did Dean mean? Oh, the wedding, that's right. How could he forget?

"Haha I thought we agreed you'd be Mr. Novak."

"If you think I would give in that easily, than you don't know me at all," Dean laughed. He started getting out of bed. Cas grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back down.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To bring us a 4 am snack, but I would gladly stay here..." Dean started planting small and playful kisses all over Cas' face while Castiel giggled. They snuggled under the covers and Cas fell back asleep with Dean's arms securely around him. He never felt safer.




"Is that the alarm clock? Just turn it off." Cas mumbled, snuggling his head in his pillow.

"No, Cas please get up, wake up now!"

"Why? What's wrong, Dean?" Cas knew he should get up, especially with the concern in Dean's voice, but he couldn't manage.

"JUST WAKE UP!" Dean shook him.

He jolted upwards, doctors surrounding him.


A feeling of electricity sparked Cas awake.


Another jolt and then he was normal, still asleep, but alive.

When he returned to his daydream, he saw Dean swaying in a rocking chair in a type of nursery room holding a baby. Cas found himself leaning against the doorway, peering into the room. What was he doing here? Why was Dean holding a baby? JJ, it was their baby girl... How could Cas forget that? He had been doing that a lot lately.

Dean looked up to him and smiled.

"She's finally asleep."

Cas walked over and smiled down at their beautiful daughter, but when her eyes opened, they weren't the stunning teal they always were, but black. Cas backed away only to find that Dean's eyes were black too, a smirk on his face.

"What's wrong, Cas?" He asked devilishly. "It looks like you're bleeding..."

Cas looked down at his stomach to find it was indeed bleeding, and all of a sudden he felt a blinding pain and fell to the ground. Dean stood over him. "Just go to sleep, Castiel. It will all be better if you just close your eyes. Angels are watching over you."

His vision started to fade and despite all his efforts to stay awake, sleep suddenly seemed very appealing. He closed his eyes.


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