Daniel makes a right turn and finally he can see Grey Pond Mental Institution looming before him. The brick walls look uninviting and the lack of windows only adds to the unsettling demeanor. Daniel couldn't believe that just a few hours before, he had been excited to come here; he had been anticipating this visit. Now all he can think about is how much he wants to leave. But Daniel can't leave, not yet. He needs to mend the wounds in his past if he wants to start living his future. It's a future that he definitely wants Amelia to be a part of. He needs a friend; a shoulder to lean on in times of need, which Daniel is sure there will be plenty of. But as Daniel pulls up to the tall gate, he can't help thinking, is it worth it? Should Daniel go through all this discomfort just so he can have an old friend by his side?

Daniel instantly refuses the idea, ashamed that he even caught himself thinking them. That would be entirely selfish of him. Here Amelia was, in a mental institution because she tried to take her own life, while Daniel was thinking about leaving her behind for the sake of his own comfort. Not to mention that Amelia's attempt at suicide was because of Daniel's own stupidity. If only he had looked around before he crossed the street, surely he would have seen the headlights through the fog. If only he hadn't been in such a hurry to cross, maybe he could have heard Amelia's warning before it was too late.

But, like it or not, Daniel couldn't change the past. He needed to focus on right here and right now. And at the moment, his goal was to do whatever he could to free Amelia from this place. Daniel was so lost in thought; he jumped when there was a knock at his window.

A guard that had been standing by the fence was now looking through the glass that separated him from Daniel. He gestured for Daniel to lower the window, and he did. The guard checked Daniel's license, then gave him a visitors badge and let him through the gates. The hospital was a large rectangular building, the few windows that lined the brick walls all had bars on them which made Daniel feel like he was at a prison.

Once Daniel was through the gates and he had given the guard the keys to his car so that he could move it out of the way, he made his way towards the doors. There was a girl sitting on a bench, mumbling to herself that gave a scared look at Daniel. As if he would hurt her. And there was a little boy throwing rocks at his shadow as he yelled for it to leave him alone.

Instead of feeling sympathy towards the two people, only one thought occurred to Daniel; Amelia didn't belong here. She wasn't crazy. She had done nothing but tried to relieve herself of the guilt that she had no idea was false.

Daniel pushes through the doors with a new surge of confidence. He could do it. He could free Amelia of this mighty burden of guilt whilst freeing himself in the process.

He walked up to a reception desk. A lady sat behind it, typing on a computer. She looked up when he approached.

"May I help you?" she asks politely, but something about her edgy tone says that she has had a rough day. That she doesn't have time for pesky visitors like Daniel.

"Yes. I'm here to see Amelia. Amelia Cooper?" I try to sound as kind as I can, I don't want to make this lady's day even worse by irritating her.

"Are you a friend of hers?" She tries to sound formal, but the formality doesn't cover the surprise in her tone. She can't imagine that someone would come see Amelia when she has had no visitors in the last several years.

"Uh, yeah. I've sort of been in a coma for seven years." He says it casually. By now he's gotten used to the look of shock that people toss his way when he says that.

"Oh dear, that's unfortunate. Well, follow me sir." She truly does sound like she means it. She actually sounds like she's genuinely sorry for Daniel. Or maybe she's just grateful that she's found someone that has it worse than her.

She quickly got up from her swivel chair and came around the counter to Daniel. The lady started walking and motioned for Daniel to follow as she led him to a room at the end of the hall.

With the door opened, Daniel saw that it was a small space with a few chairs. And sure enough Amelia was sitting in a chair staring at him with blank eyes.

In the car when Daniel was fantasizing over how horrible it would be to look into Amelia's eyes, he never imagined it would be this bad. Even his darkest thoughts hadn't prepared him for this moment; this moment when he could see through his friends dull blue eyes that were once an energetic, electric shade of blue. He could see the pain and sorrow that had welled up and overcome Amelia over the years, and he could also see the shock and heavy guilt that she felt as she held Daniel's intense gaze.

But the worst part was that Daniel knew that she saw the same thing; that his eyes reflected the same feelings and emotions that were behind Amelia's. Daniel tried to think of something to say, anything to fill the silence that stretched between them. But Amelia beat him to it.

She said one word, probably the first she'd said in six years. He imagined that her voice would be hoarse from the years that it hadn't been used, but it wasn't. Her voice was clear and devoid of any sign of her lack of speech. She said it calmly and somehow she had fit all her dark emotions and feelings into the word; as if she was infusing it with her own essence. The word rang in Daniel ears as he heard it over and over again throughout his mind and body.


It was a simple word; it was a name of average simplicity. And yet it meant the world to Daniel that he was able to hear it; that his mind was letting the single word echo throughout him. Daniel was so happy, and he hadn't even entered the room yet.

A/N: if you enjoyed this chapter, would you mind clicking the star icon to vote for it? it would mean a lot :) also, feel free to comment so i can see what you guys are thinking

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