25. event of calamity!

Start from the beginning

Mando had a moment of weakness on Nevarro, he's now willing to admit.

Gaia was a nobody on the desert of Arvala-7 — just another soul willing to go on for another day when she assisted him, when she was laughing and grinning and scowling in her own right, but then came her stolen sword. It was the first time he witnessed vulnerability in her, the first time he came to respect that she was surely more than just a bounty hunter whose purpose was to earn money. It made him falter, consider things to an extent and that's why he began to rely on her also, never coming to reject her for staying a while longer in his own starship.

Gaia put her faith and trust in him as no other person had done in a very long, long time.

It has crossed Mando's mind a few times that the reason why he permitted for her to tag along was so as to fill his profuse loneliness at first — to have some sort of connection there to keep him from going crazy and that's what he so selfishly intended although she seemed interesting enough from the beginning, and that's what took over in the end: intrigue.

It canceled the desires for just any type of plain social presence to instead be replaced by sheer and genuine mutual feelings of friendship. A relationship in which they both may heal from as long as it takes. A bond he never knew he wanted, needed, or deserved.

Mando cannot say what this searing warmth inside of his heart is whenever Gaia so much as just looks or talks to him — and yes, his head have already long since been twisted by being so unsure about whether he would or should ever act on it, and yes, it is confusing and thrilling at the same time — yet it's also comforting above else when she comes to mind among the people he cares about, when he has this fickle wish of falling asleep while holding her hand, caress her scars, or remain by her side with every adventure and many other similar cases which he doesn't dare breathe to another living being. He has yet to decide if it's actually good or bad in itself but promising it is, nevertheless, and that's all he needs for now at least — endearing hope.

And as he needs it, he also intends to wholeheartedly keep her safe with it.


"You'll regret it, what you did." Gaia attempts to place herself differently against the Razor Crest's wall, but her body won't allow it. The smallest movement irritates the fresh wound sitting right above her abdomen, causing her blue complexion to blanch and sweat to gather on her face; a torrent of pain almost stealing her consciousness. Her eyes are half-lidded, voice meek and vague as she glimpses Peli and The Child across from her. The mechanic is held at gunpoint by Toro, rigid and uncomfortable, while The Child is as oblivious as can be. Gaia would've smiled at him if the situation was any different, but it's not as the pit droids have taken refuge in Peli's office and Mando has yet to show up.

Mando. . .

The mere thought of him is what keeps Gaia fighting to stay awake and talk right now.

"Not even close to it," Toro drawls, staring at Gaia who's sitting on the floor. "Fennec was just another obstacle I had to overcome."

Gaia can't help but give out a worn laugh, right in the face of Toro himself. The flexing of her belly hurts with the injury and one can easily see it on her expression yet she continues to gaze calmly up at him. "Not Fennec," she states before sighing. "Mando."


"Yeah." Gaia blinks. "When he discovers Fennec's body, he'll come looking for you."

Toro smirks, a very crude amusement in his dark eyes. "That's what I'm counting on."

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