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Her: Sometimes, I wonder if it is better to give up than continue.

Him: Either way, your life will not stop. If you halt this journey, you'll begin with another.

Her: I hope my life is like that of a flower. They all have one journey; to grow, bloom then die. Human's journey is so complicated. There are many roads to travel and days to face unlike flowers that live only one season long.

Him: But you are like a flower! Actually, even greater than it.

Her: Thank you but I don't think so.

Him: Haven't you noticed? Your journey is to grow, (learn, relearn and discover your purpose) bloom, (be fruitful in serving and loving) and die (be united to the One Who created you). You are like a flower. Flower lives for one season long, and you, one lifetime long.

FLOWERS TOO HAVE STORIES TO TELLKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat