chapter eleven

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Kit had tried her hardest to approach Lysander—but the Ravenclaw made it his goal to avoid her

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Kit had tried her hardest to approach Lysander—but the Ravenclaw made it his goal to avoid her. The thing was that he wasn't angry at his brother, but he refused to listen to his twin trying to speak for her because he felt grassed.

It was probably unfair he was not giving her a chance like his brother, but deep inside he just couldn't sit down patiently and waiting to hear what she said. It was the main reason he never allowed himself to pour his heart out because he just did not take the chances of vulnerability well.

"Lysander!" The Ravenclaw jumped into one of the hidden passages as he heard Kit's voice.

He was a deserter—he knew it, but he just did not want to face her.

"Helga! Lysander Scamander, you—" Kit cut her voice off as she turned the hall that was empty.

"You bloody coward!!" Kit said under her breath as she tightened her fist in both anger and sorrow, biting her lip she glared to the ground and tightened her haw "This is ridiculous" She added once more before stomping down the hallway.

Lysander peered out of the passage and nearly bellowed when he saw his twin standing in front of him with a menacing look.

"You are the worst, Lysander" Lorcan seethed angrily as he crossed his arms

"Now's not the time for your voice of reason, Lorcan"

Lysander waved him off making the Hufflepuff grit his teeth and grabbing his brother's robes," You gave me a chance to explain myself, but you won't let her? You are such a coward!"

"What do you want me to say?!"

"I don't need you to say anything, I need you to stop running away. I know you and the reason you are avoiding her is not that you are hurt that we wanted what was best for you"

"What—are you suggesting that you had an ulterior motive?"

"I don't, Lysander, but tell me, what are you so afraid of?"

"I—I am not afraid of anything," Lysander denied his words but Lorcan kept the hold on his robes.

"What are you so afraid of!?" Lorcan shouted louder than he needed, but he couldn't just sit back and make the two, who was important to him to continue running in circles.

"I'm not afraid of—

"Tell me what you are afraid of!!" Lorcan cut him off as he threatened to slam his head on his brother's.

"I'm afraid of her seeing the weakling that I am! Okay?! I—it's an ugly part of me that I can't allow her to see, because she needs someone who can be strong for her and I—" Lysander's eyes stung as tears fell down it," I promised Cato, that I'd be strong for her, but I can't be the strength that everyone wants me to be!"

"You are an idiot" Lorcan whispered letting his robes go," You are a complete fool" Lysander covered his eyes with one hand to block the tears that kept falling.

"Tell me, has Kit ever asked you to be strong for her?"

"No" Lysander mumbled

"Okay, did Cato ask you to be?"


"Lysander, the only person that wants you to be strong, is yourself. No one asked it from you. This 'everyone' is just a way for you to place blame on something you put on yourself. You always tell me that it's okay to show my feelings, but why can't you do it yourself?"

"Because Cato did it" Lysander confessed," Cato was strong, he encouraged, he—he didn't make me want to be afraid. He...believed in me to become the one that supported Kit when he couldn't do it anymore"

"You make it seem as if Cato is perfect, which he isn't. Nothing is stopping you and I can guarantee that—as ridiculous as you claimed of it being 'ugly' – Kit wants you to just be there for her, not to support her, but to stand next to her"

"What makes you even say she wants me specifically?" Lysander asked and Lorcan chuckled.

"Because why would she be going through so much to explain herself. Why do you think that she felt bad for not telling you the truth about our plan?"

"Because she felt guilty"

"No, because you treated her like she was not broken. You are the only one that had the courage to tell her it was okay to cry, to be angry—to just be her and not force herself to be strong. So, correct me if I am wrong, but Lysander, you've always been the one who cheered her on since we where kids, you were the one who comforted her when she cried, you were the one who always came to her aid—

"But Cato—"

"Yes, Cato was there, but it's not the same, because as twins—we are each other's halves, you weren't that for Kit—you were there because you wanted to be, not because you felt forced in doing so. As crazy as it sounds, as twins, there is just an unspoken part of us that does it because of our blood—even if it's not for every single twin in the world, but it was for us as well with them"

"Then what do I do?"

"Only you know the answer to that, Lysander" Lorcan finally added before stepping back to walk away," But you better step up and do it before you end up losing the chance"

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