Chapter 3

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Hey guys, been a while sorry! hopefully I will update frequently from now onwards, thanks for supporting me. 


Great! just great, now i had to wake up early in the morning at 2 am for some stupid world cup.

"Addyson, Addyson! wake up, WE ARE GOING TO THE QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP" i woke up to Hannah jumping around the room 

"Awwwwww noooooo 5 more minutes please"

"No way, you already said that like 5 times"

"Last 5 minutes please"

"nope, get up now"

"fine" i said gloomily

I got up, took a shower for 30 minutes (I love my long hot shower so much, I feel like staying there forever) got dressed and headed down for breakfast, We had toast for breakfast. Everyone was so energetic and AWAKE except ME. Cedric and William were very cheerful and gulping down their toasts and looked at me like I was a zombie (I was not a morning person) 

We were meeting up with the Weasleys, And we were walking for what seemed like hours when we reached a tree, Cedric got up the tree and called William to join him and he joined him (obviously) me and hannah were talking down, 

"Over here, Arthur, son, we've got it"

"sorry amos, some of us had a sleepy start"

And then suddenly Cedric and William dropped down and landed right beside me,

"Are all these your lot?"

"oh no, only the redheads, that there is Hermione -ron's friend, and that is harry potter"

"Merlin's beard Harry Potter?!"

"yes sir" said harry shyly

"Cedric mentioned about you, said all about playing against you last year..... I said to him, i said -Ced, that'll be something to tell your grandchildren, that will ..... you beat Harry Potter"

Fred and George were scowling, Cedric looked embarrassed ,William looked at Cedric apologetically with sympathy, I sniggered behind wanting to laugh but Hannah shot me a glare that said "don't be so rude,"  i just mouthed "sorry" still grinning like an idiot. We started walking to the portkey

"Hey Addyson" hermione caught up with me

"Hey Hermione"

"How are you?"

"Well, yourself?"

"Fine, actually professor McGonagall mentioned that you were the first in your year and you are actually better than most of the students above your year, so I was just wondering if you could tell me the books you referred last year and past O.W.L papers"

"Yeah sure, I actually asked Madam Pince for few books and past O.W.L papers, they are usually placed in the shelf right behind her desk."

"thanks A lot" she was beaming with happiness 

"My pleasure"

And we reached the portkey and placed our hands on 'the manky old boot' and started spinning in a dangerously alarming speed, mostly everyone except the adults and me were screaming, well I was internally freaking and kinda screaming on the inside. 

Everyone landed down on their backs and the faces except Cedric, My Dad and MR .Weasley, I got up by myself, because WE AIN'T LOOKING WEAK (wow that's some slytherin vibes there) 

So then we made our way to our tents, the weasleys, Hermione and harry in one tent and the rest of us in another tent, relaxing before the match
(I'm not writing the match cz it's in the book and most other fanfics ;))
"The match was amazing I can't beleive krum got the snitch but the Irish team still won" Cedric and his best friends were discuss
I was busy humming 'without me' by Halsey. We made our way to the weasley's tent to celebrate the Irish team's victory, Fred and George and the rest of us except me were singing a love song for Ron 😂, I was smiling seeing them enjoy.
When suddenly explosions were heard
" Looks like the Irish have got their pride on"
"Stop it, it's not the irish"
"Cedric, William and Hannah get your selves to safety, Addyson is your responsibility" dad was shouting
Wait, what?!
I could take care of myself I was not going to be someone else's responsibility
"I can take care of myself"
"Addyson stop being stubborn for Merlin's sake, this is not a time to argue. STAY WITH CEDRIC, my word is final , DO WHAT I SAY" dad scolded me
"Fine" I grumbled
Hannah and Cedric grabbed me and Cedric held my hand so hard I thought he might cut my blood circulation.
Then suddenly some idiot pulled me and pushed me down so hard, and I blacked out
I woke up to three wizards 'death eaters' to be clear, pointing their wands on me.
"Don't hurt her" said a nasal voice of someone I knew very well, Lucius Malfoy -the father of my only best friend............
Many people see draco as either the most respected pureblood or either as a good for nothing bully... But only I saw Draco in his actual form, he was the only one who did not judge me and was there for me at times when no one else was.. he was my best friend, the two of us have become really close over the years and now he was like my younger brother and he saw me as his elder sister
"She is very knowledgeable, smart, ambitious, cunning and extremely powerful, Lord Voldemort wants her to join our ranks...... She will be very useful" said Barty crouch Jr,
Wait, what?! Voldemort wants me to join his ranks????
I got up wincing as my wrist and left leg were damaged and were sticking out in an unusually odd angle,
"Leave those muggles alone" I said mustering up as much courage as I could,
"And why would we want to free those pieces of filth??"
"Oh! I suppose voldemort hasn't told you yet, he is a half blood, so technically he is half filth! So he should actually consider himself unworthy or if he is trying to 'clean' the wizarding world by killing muggles and muggle borns, I will make sure to cut his body exactly in half"
" You dare defy our master????" Another death Eater,I think Crabbe's dad shouted and tried to hex me, but I counterattacked and instead he flew back, who did he think he was ?? Trying to attack me????
And a couple other death eaters except draco's dad and crouch Jr attacked me and I defeated them all... I gotta say I was proud.........
"Well I hope we can make you understand soon" crouch Jr said and both of them went the opposite way.
Now I was stuck, my left leg and wrist were in a rather odd position....
Well, I was a witch, so obviously I fixed it.....
And walked towards the woods and I saw Cedric scared to death, and his friends trying to comfort him,, All of them frantically searching for ...... Me....... Cedric almost reduced to tears, my heart melted seeing this and I wanted to go comfort him... But I did not, if he really cared for me, he wouldn't have ignored me for 4 years......
"Hello?" I said with a little uncertainty
All of their faces lit up when they heard me,
Cedric came running to hug me, but I refused and stepped back..... He looked hurt but tried not to show it and smiled
"Are you fine Addyson?????"
"You certainly do not look like it" said William, and Hannah jabbed him in the side with her elbow, he winced and said "what?! She looks hurt, I'm being honest"
"I'm fine!! Really... Let's just go to the portkey"
We all walked up to the portkey and waited for my dad, he looked so glad I was alright... When will he get to know I haven't felt alright the last 4 years.................

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