Chapter 6

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I tried to take that memory of Cedric and my family disowning me...... But no matter how much I tried the memory was still fresh in my brain as if it had just happened yesterday...........

"Hey! Are you alright?" Draco snapped me from my thoughts

"Ermmmm, yeah, just old memories" I tried to cover it up, neither of them looked convinced.

"She looks fine Draco, why do you worry so much, there are much better things to worry about" pansy Parkinson interrupted our conversation
I glared at her and she cowered back........

Draco looked clearly irritated and Blaise just looked at him sympathetically.......

"Hey! I have found something for you, it's a spell for pugface"

"Later" draco replied with his smug face

~~~~Time skip~~~~

"Is there a reason you called me professor?"

"Yes, I have checked your prototype and it turns out your potion is successful......."

"Really?" I asked my face lighting up

"You remind me of Lily a lot" he mumbled under his breath

"Sorry professor? Didn't catch that"

"I-a I- nothin- it's just that you behave a lot like Lily"

"Lily? Which Lily?"

"Before I attended Hogwarts, I had a really close friend -lily Evans, we were extremely close to the extent where I started to develop feelings for her"

"Ohh okay?" I said a little unsure

"She was a muggle born, so I taught her everything I know about the wizarding world, then came the day we had to attend Hogwarts together, the train ride wasn't that bad except for the jerks that sat in our compartment- Sirius and James"

"Wait a second, I know about Sirius and the last year Fiasco but James as in James Potter?"

"Yeah, that's him" Snape said in a tone of disgust

"Ohhhh okay.... Continue please"

"The sorting ceremony- I was hoping both of us would get sorted into Slytherin but unfortunately she was sorted into gryffindor" he told 'gryffindor' in a tone of disgust "and I was sorted into Slytherin, I thought that we could still continue our friendship, but she did not like my friends in Slytherin and that jerk James kept on hitting on 'my Lily', big bully that James was- would bully any person who was on his way"

"Harry's dad- a big bully? It does not make any sense"

"Harry and James are just snobby gits" Snape continued " one day that toerag James and his goons came to bully me as usual, started humiliating me in front of the while school and when my Lily came to defend me" Snape looked as if he was trying really hard to control himself
I bet you know what happens next 😉

HEARTACHE (Cedric Diggory sister)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant