Chapter 11

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After our last meeting, I've been feeling uneasy. I was in a conundrum, my brain was telling me what I was doing was right, He wasn't there for me when I needed him so why should I?

But my heart was telling me that he was my brother and I should be the bigger person, forget what he did and help him out.

So I decided to ask other people their take on my dilemma.

Blaise and Draco were out practicing quidditch, so I turned to Adeline for her opinion.

"Addyson, I think you should listen to your heart. You've spent years without love from your brother, but now -you have the opportunity to forget everything and move on, live a happy life with your family."

"But how can I? Years of torturing me and now he wants me back? What if he just wants to use me?"

"Addyson- I think it's just your ego"

"Okay, I have a big ego, but what's wrong with that? Does it even really matter"


"You're acting like him and it's making me even more mad"

We just laughed.

After that, I just went to bed.


Recently, all I could think about was my sister. I deeply regretted my actions of the last few years, I always had loved her and always will love her. Being a young boy, I just wanted to impress my father, and I'm not gonna lie- some of his stereotypes left an impression on me.

As I grew up, my thoughts matured and I realised how my family's actions left a deep and lasting effect on a young 11 year old girl. The years of suffering - something that might never heal but hopefully will cover itself slowly.

I suffered too, as I saw my friends enjoy and fight and live life with their siblings. I had to just watch and imagine and have fun with my sister virtually in my brain. All that we could have done...........

As I sulked there in my thoughts, William pointed out that Addyson hadn't shown up for dinner.


I should probably get her some food then.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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