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"Why don't you ask your boss for help?"

"He's busy enough." - I said, then gasped in realization. - "Fuck, I completely forgot about our case." - I ran a hand over my face out of frustration. - "I'm an idiot."

Harry slid his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.
He sighed, softly stroking my stomach over the shirt and surrounding me in a tight hug.

"You are going through a lot, love. It's understandable."

I poured the hot water in the mug and took a sip, trying hard to relax on Harry's embrace.

"I should have a solution already." - I whined.

"You're human." - He chuckled. - "Not a robot, okay?"

"But it's like my head is blocked and I'm... Like having all these emotions at the same time. They don't let me think clearly."

"What emotions, babe?"

"Anger. Fear. I don't know, it's just a lot." - I took another sip and left the mug back on the counter.

"I get it. It's good that you can put it into words though, you know?" - He pecked my cheek. - "The sooner you aknowledge your feelings, the sooner you'll control them and hopefully, it'll help you think of a way to get Freddie and Brianna to stay."

I dropped my head back on his shoulder, closing my eyes and sighing.

"It's been four days, Haz. And still she hasn't answered the phone or the door. I need to see him. She just can't continue with this, I can't let her move to another country."

"I know, babe. It sucks, I know." - He whispered, tightening his grip around me. - "But you need to try and keep thinking cold. You're going to find a way. I know it."

"I'm just... Ugh." - I groaned. - "I can't believe I almost forgot about the case! My boss isn't going to be happy."

"Your boss will understand if you explain to him what is happening." - Harry said, now making me turn around in his arms to face him.

With one hand he cupped my cheek and held my face so he could look into my eyes, with the other, he pushed me back to rest on the counter of his kitchen, cornering me between his legs.


"What, love?"

"What do I do?" - I whispered.

Harry smiled fondly at me, leaning down and kissing my forehead sweetly.

"You need a distraction, to take some distance from the issue and then start thinking with your mind clear."

I pouted, resigned.

"What distraction?"

Harry shrugged, looking at the ceiling as if he was thinking.

"Dinner date out?" - He asked. - "Just us for a little while."

"Just us?"

"Yes. No stress and no trouble. What do you say? Can we take tonight to not think at all?"

"I'd like that." - I whispered, leaning up and kissing his lips shortly. - "Let's do it."


And he was right, I needed to get out of the house, breathe fresh air and busy myself with something else.
It was a great idea.

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