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I'm so damn sorry this took me so long.

I've been trying to get time to sit and write, but I couldn't.

I had planned to finish this by November so I could start with the new one, but I don't think I'll make it at this pace.

Sorry again.

I love you all 💓

Don't hate me.

Mag 🦋


Monday came faster than expected and, surprisingly, I had already adjusted to this new routine in the mornings.

Getting through with my Father duties as much as I could.

After a wonderful weekend shared with Freddie and Niall, I was taking him to school once again, helping him out of his brand new car seat - that I bought only two days before - and getting him to the entrance of the daycare.
Where, as always, his teacher was waiting for all the kids to get inside.

I shared a tiny smile with Harry at a distance, as Freddie and I got closer to the front entrance.
Kneeling down in front of my son, I pecked his forehead.

"Bye little lad, see you later."

But Freddie ignored me, huffing as he stepped away from me.

"I said bye, Freddie. Aren't you going to say goodbye to me?" - I said, reaching out to him and holding his shoulders.

He just shrugged, looking at the floor and avoiding my stare.

"What's up?" - I asked.

"Nothing. Wanna go school. Lemme." - He huffed, trying to get out of my grip.

"Wait, little lad, tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing." - He mumbled again. - "Bye Dad." - He said, shuffling out of my grip and running inside the building with his friends.

Frowning, I got up on my feet, now facing Harry.


"Hey, there." - Harry smiled.

"He's a bit moody today. So, keep an eye on him, will you?"

"Sure. How was your weekend with the little one?"

"Uhmm... We played some footie, watch Cars the movie like four times and ate popcorn." - I shrugged.

"But you're giving him more attention, right?"

"I'm trying." - I sighed. - "Though I don't know what I did today to get him to treat me like that."

"You're doing great. Kids only need attention. And you care for him. So, you're good. Believe me, there are parents that aren't present at all. That's not your case."

"I was those parents."

Harry sighed, stepping closer to me and resting a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it slightly.

"Stop talking yourself down." - He smiled at me. - "Louis, all the things you're doing now, are working. So, don't stress, and enjoy being a father. It's probably one of the best things in life. If anything changes, I'll let you know. Alright?" - He said, smiling sweetly at me. - "Kids have their days too. Just like us."

"Alright." - I nodded, looking back at the door of the school and feeling a little better. - "Take care of him, yeah?"

"That is literally my job." - Harry laughed. - "Bye, Louis."

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