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This one is dedicated to bluexogreen
Hope you enjoy it :)


2020 dedication. Again, idk if that account still exists. I'm just leaving it there.


2023 Mag 🦋


The alarm went of at six am just as always.
But this time I wasn't on my bed, and I wasn't alone either.

I was surrounded by another person, soft hair pressed against my nose, tender hands above my stomach, a hoarsed hum of complain reverberating on my neck and a foot softly stroking up and down my calves.

I reached for my phone, turning the alarm off and then turning again to face Harry.

"Good morning." - He whispered, smiling softly at me.

"Good morning, love."

He hummed in contentement, yawning into his palm. 

"I slept so good." - He sighed, now burying his face back in my chest. - "I don't want to go to work." - He whined. - "Can't we stay here?"

"Unluckily, were adults and we have responsibilities." - I said, caressing his bare back.

"Being an adult sucks." - He said, making me laugh.

"Yeah. You tell me." - I chuckled. - "But, it doesn't mean we can't repeat it another night." - I said, lifting his chin up and pecking his lips. - "What do you say?" - I asked, looking into his deep green eyes that seemed even more beautiful that morning.

"I say..." - He smirked. - "That it could be easily arranged."


"Great." - He smiled, leaning up and pecking my lips again. - "Mmmm... We should really wash our teeth." - He scrunched his nose. - "Sorry." - He said, covering his mouth.

"It's fine. I kissed you first."

Harry chuckled and nodded, dropping his head back on the pillow and separating a bit from me.


"Do you always invite guys to sleep in your place? Like, you know. Just to sleep. With you in bed."

"Not really." - He shrugged. - "It's... A bit intimate, I guess. Like spending the night. It's different than just sex. It's been a while since a guy stayed to actually sleep."

I hummed.

"Why did you say yes to me then?" - I asked and he turned his head, smiling softly.

"Because you weren't just any random guy. And we're dating. I'm comfortable with you and... Yeah, it was going to happen someday."

"I know, but... Is this weird?"

"I'm pretty sure we've already got over that question." - Harry answered giggling.

"Sorry, it just scares me because of Freddie. I don't know if he is going to understand it."

"I don't know either.  But also, he's a kid. Kids adapt way easier than adults. The important thing here is how you feel about this. Do you feel like it's too much? That we should take things... Slower?"

"I ..." - It took me some seconds to make up my mind about what I wanted to say. - "I like being around you. It's like I want to hang out with you or talk to you most of the time."

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