Centipedes are the children of ants and spiders

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Tagged by this smol boi,, Two_Faced_Feline

Tagged by this smol boi,, Two_Faced_Feline

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1. Hair colour:

Hmm...what should I keep it-
Honestly, let's just keep it red XD

Credits to Berry for this epic imagination :D

2. Real name or the first letter of it:

I'mma just say that the first letter is "i"
aNd fOr ThOsE wHo aLrEaDy kNoW mY iRl nAmE-
Damn y'all lucky :O

3. Eye colour:


4. Face reveal:

Are you fr-

5. Do you accept as any ship with you 'could be canon'?

I mean, ofc!
I'm simply so awesome -w-

6. A wattpad secret:

What exactly is a wattpad secret? ._.

7. One of the most embarrassing moments of your life:

There was this one time when I opened my school bag and a frog leaped outta it-
I legit shrieked and jumped on the table ._.

I mean, I was in f i r s t grade, just a smol child.
Ofc I got scared-

But ykk this ain't an embarrassing thing-

Imagine it happening three times. In the same school. In front of the same teacher.

The second time, it was a rat that jumped outta my school bag

I shrieked again
but didn't climb onto the table this time

Cuz I was b r a v e !

So I ran :/

But the rat was braver ;-;

It chased right after me

Notice the teacher and other students that are just there watching us like-

This was in s e c o n d grade, I was still a smol child :'DD

Now the third time-
It was a cockroach the flew outta my school bag

Yes, a flying cockroach ×_×

I remembered the first time when this happened.
Then I remembered the second time dis happened.

I decided to do the table thing instead of running :'D

But le table betrayed me ;-;-;

It fell on the floor :/

And me fell on the top of it :/

And the cockroach fell on the top of me :/

Imagine that SAME teacher and the SAME students like-


8. Any siblings?

One annoying younger brother I hate

9. Any crushes?

I don't think we're supposed to answer such questions

10. Anything tragic in your life?

My life is awesome!

11. What would you name yourself if you were born a different gender:

Why would I suddenly be born a different gender? :/
And even if I were, why would I get to name myself? :/
Parents are supposed to name the child :/

Go ask my parents what they would do.

12. Any best friends irl that know a lot of your secrets?

My secrets.
They belong to only me.
No one else.

13. Any online friends that know your secrets?

Mmm...there's one that knows a few of them. Very few.
But yeah, I've told her stuff no one knows

I hope so-

14. Hobbies:

Being awesome.
Being beautiful.
Being strong.
Being cool.
Being kind.
Being amazing.
Being intelligent.
Being a favourite.
Being the best.

Just,, being perfect :'D

15. 5 things that fascinated you:

(1) The fact that all the zodiac stuff is true-
Like, I used to think it wasn't :O
Until one day when I was bored and decided to search up facts about Capricorns and turns out it was all true O.o
I was f a s c i n a t e d -

(2) When I got to know that the spelling of "wanna" is actually "wwnna" aND EVERYONE HAS BEEN DOING IT WRONG THIS WHOLE TIME -

(3) We can copy and paste pictures on discord :OO
I thought that we could only send them
But copying and pasting pictures exists ;-;

(4) The fact that many people like my attention-
I mean
Recently some irl and some online ppl confessed that they like my attention
I f e e l s p e c i a l :'P

(5) There's someone who can point out f o u r of my weaknesses-
I was fascinated omg 😱😱😱
I thought no one could tell even one

I don't have weaknesses to begin with O.o
And f o u r -
F O U R -
Four is a very big number .-.

16. Tag as many ppl as you want:

I'mma tag zero
Let's see how many of mah friends do this chapter without getting tagged O.o



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