Red Chocolates are perfect

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Tagged by RedBlossomBlue
Your welcome, gurl
I know I'm amazing

Tagged by RedBlossomBlueAaaaand-Your welcome, gurlI know I'm amazing

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1. What are your best experiences of 2020?

There were many
Not sure which ones I should tell
So I'll just say nothing

2. What would your say to your grandkids about the era of this pandemic?


"If you also wwnna succeed like this in your life, bEcOmE LiKe YoUr AwEsOmE gRaNdMa ùwú"

3. Was 2020 a life changing experience?

Every year is life-changing.
This one also counts

4. Current fandoms and ships?

A stupid question indeed, but it's totally not like I'm criticizing you or anything!

5. Favourite crack meme?

I don't save memes in my phone?
And I don't waste my time deciding what crack meme is my favourite? ._.

6. Do you get along with people IRL?

I'd love to say yes, and I can assure y'all that I'm a very nice person but
When people decide to be stupid or mean, I can't really do anything about it besides putting them in their place or making them realize their fault O.o

7. Best anime you've watched in 2020?

Assassination Classroom?
Tokyo Ghoul??
Fairy Tail..?
Boku no hero academia-

I can't tell
(/¯◡ ‿ ◡)/¯ ~ ┻━┻

8. Pringles or Lays?


9. What do you think about your zodiac sign?

Fucking amazing :D
Capricorns are the best
I'm a good example of that ùwú

10. Do you know Shu_kurenaiUwU? Because she's awesome and give her a follow and check out her books!

Yes ik her
Yeah she's awesome
And I already follow her
Already checked out her books



Now go back home, kids!
The chapter is over!
Nothing special to see here :D

• 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 || 𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 ♥️ •Where stories live. Discover now