Echoes of the Past: Ch.26

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Jack rushed into Bobby's room, panicked and grief stricken. He was also embarrassed because according to Nixon, who had phoned him earlier, Johnson had had to take Bobby to the hospital after his baby brother complained of chest and stomach pains. And a few moments after, Bobby had passed out.

Bobby was awake on the bed. He startled when he saw Jack.

"Bobby!" Jack exclaimed running over to his younger brother. "Are you okay?"

Bobby was groaning. "Oh..." He looked up with alarm as he saw Jack.

"Bobby!" Jack repeated, rubbing his arm. "You okay?"

"I died..." Bobby groaned. "I was shot in the head...."

Jack froze, the smile fading from his lips. my brother, he thought furiously, my brother a time traveler....

"Bobby," Jack said slowly, "what was the last thing you remember?"

At that moment, Ethel walked back inside. "Ethie!" Bobby wailed, catapulting off the bed and straight into her arms.

Ethel was stunned as Bobby's arms wrapped around her. Jack awkwardly left the room.

He went to find some things to do but after an hour, Jack was bored. He went back inside and saw both Bobby and Ethel asleep on the bed, in each other's arms. Jack smiled softly before thinking of Jackie.

He just hoped Jackie would not end up becoming a time traveler.


Jackie woke with sharp pains in her stomach. She sat up, confused. The pains were dull, not hard enough to make her scream. She closed her eyes and rubbed her growing baby bump. It was only October.

She crawled off the bed and went to get breakfast. She hoped Bobby was okay.

She ate cereal with milk before staying inside. Jackie passed out again on the couch.

She woke up to the doorbell ringing. "Coming," Jackie said, half in pain and still half asleep. She went to open the door. Kenny was standing there looking at her. His eyes widened as he saw the paleness on her face. She tried to smile.

"Oh...hi, Kenny. What can I help you with?"

"Is Jack here?" Kenny asked. Jackie shook her head.

"No...I'm sorry. Bobby hit his head and he was rushed to the hospital. Jack left 4 hours ago. He won't be back till tomorrow." At that Kenny gasped. "Something wrong?"

"Nixon wanted to speak with him."

Jackie crossed her arms. "No big deal. I can talk to him. Where is he?"

"He'll be due in 30." Kenny replied.

Jackie nodded. "I'll be fine."

She prayed that she would. She knew Nixon was a bully, and he would use her as weak link since Jack wasn't here.

Jackie sighed and sat down in the living room. She waited for the VP, dreading her future.

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