Echoes of the Past: Ch. 19

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Jack was done.

The secret was out. He felt refreshed and clean again. He looked at his stunned parents.

"You're from the future," his father said, stunned.

Jack nods, his stomach suddenly aching. "Yes I am."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Rose asked. She seemed more concerned then Joe did.

Jack paused. "I thought I was imaging things."

Rose stared.

"I died." Jack looked nervous. "I was assassinated in Dallas. But apparently, some of my enemies have been reborn as well..."

"Enemies?" Joe asked.

Jack smiled a little. "Richard Nixon, Marilyn Monroe...there could be others out there...that are like me."

"Others?" Joe asked, confused.

Jack nods. "There are others out me....who knows...maybe in in the future you will become a freak like me." He didn't mention Joe's stroke.

Joe and Rose were stunned. The man standing before them, their child, was from a few years into the future. Jack told them how he had been killed and what had happened when he woke up on his bed in Hyaniss Port. Jack had been confused and had only felt grief of what he did to Jackie. He had cheated on her and treated her like garbage.

Jack sighed and looked at them. "Nixon and I...we made a deal."

"I thought you hated him...?" Rose was confused.

"I didn't hate him at first. He began to hate me after I ran in 1956. Or at least I ran in my past life. I decided not to run in this life." He sighs. "Nixon is from 1994."

"He died?" Rose asked, stunned.

Jack nods. "He told me Jackie was diagnosed with lung cancer." His eyes filled up with tears. He hadn't told anyone yet.

At that moment, there was a knock at the door. "Jack?" Kenny calls out. "Nixon wants to speak with you."

Jack looked at his parents. They let him leave to see Nixon.

What is he doing here? Is he going to show me something? Jack ponders silently as he let Nixon in. The VP barley acknowledged his parents. He had a tape in his hands.

Jack had a sinking feeling in chest.

This wouldn't end good.

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