Echoes of the Past Ch. 10

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The next time Jack saw Jackie was when he'd been voted into the Senate.

It was now 1952, just five years after Congressman Nixon had agreed to make a deal with Jack. Nixon had become a senator as well but he was planning to run as Ike's partner. Jack suppressed a smile.

Jack closed his eyes. The pain in his back was searing now and his teeth clenched. And it didn't help that there was a pile of paperwork stacked on the desk.

Bobby knocked on the door. "Jack, you have an appointment in 15."

"I'll be there," Jack replied weakly. He wheezed at the pain in his back.

Darn it; stupid Hitler, was Jack's first thought. The thought of the German leader only angered him. Hitler had been sent back to Germany but he was restricted of power. But the German had backstabbed them at the last second turning to his Soviet allies.

Jack cringed, thinking of Kruschev. Why did one single thought lead to another? Jack thought to himself wanting to scream.

Jack got up and opened the door going to find his visitor. Jack was tired and sulky.

He didn't bother checking who it was. "Come in."

The visitor came in. Jack gasped. "Jackie?" He still remembered her pretty face.

"Jack," she says in her breathy voice. She is now 21 years old and her face is still young. She runs over him and Jack catches her in a bear hug.

"Kid," he sobs. "I've missed you."

She smiles softly. "Missed you too, Bunny."

He weeps openly now. "Jackie, how...why?"

"I had to come back," she tells him. "It's okay. I can still wait two years."

He smiles shakily and nods.

She kisses him. "How's Bobby? With his Ethel, isn't he?"

Jack is jealous. Bobby already has his wife and kids and he has to wait for two more years.

"Jack?" She prompts.

"Fine, he's fine." Jack replied.

"And Nixon?"

"I made a deal with him," Jack says softly.

"You what?!"

"A deal," Jack says again. "What do you think?"

"What kind of deal, Jack?" She's scared.

"You know I won't let Bobby run as president. Nixon will have to make him vp."

Jackie narrows her eyes. "He's not sticking to promises."

"I'll make him," he growls. "He won't run against me in 60."

She plants a soft kiss on his lips. "I hope so, Bunny."

Jack gestures at the bed. "Shall we?"

"Yes we shall." She grinned and got on the bed.

Jack smirked and locked the door. He approached Jackie with a lust in his eyes.

"Time to finish what we started," he said before jumping on her.


Happy New Year's Eve! Which is in an hour for me! 😍😚
Hope 2015 is a good one! 🎉🎈🎊

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