Echoes of the Past Ch. 13

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Two months later

Jack paced in his bedroom, his back aching. Jackie refused to have it with him until she was confident that he wouldn't cheat on her.

Today, Jack would get a call from Bobby, saying that the Hollywood actress, someone that would become his friend, was inviting him to a party. Jack was anxious because at that party he would meet Marilyn Monroe.

A wave of guilt and shame crashed over him. Marilyn, the mad queen, he liked to call her. Couldn't she see he was a pawn in her games? She'd just been another girl in his eyes.

But Marilyn hadn't seen that. In her eyes, she'd been convinced Jack would marry her. Jack laughed out loud.

"As if," he mumbled. "Jackie's hotter."

A soft laugh came from the bed. "What's hotter, Bunny?"

"Nothing," Jack lied.

"Don't lie to me," she said in that breathy voice. God, she's so hot! Jack thinks not paying attention to her but her lips and body. "You're nervous about that party, aren't you?"

"I'll be fine. I won't chase after her," Jack replies.

Jackie smiles. "Good."

Jack still longs to sleep with Jackie but she refuses. He was debating on whether he should just do it secret. But every time he thought of it, the intern who he'd known in the White House, Mimi, came back to his thoughts.

He'd actually liked her, Jack thinks. She wasn't a pawn in his games. He'd liked her.

Jack thinks to himself, Remember to get her into the White House. She'll be a good companion.

Bobby knocks on the door. "Jack, it's time."

Jack sighed. "Coming."


Jack walked into the room, and all eyes were on him. He spotted Marilyn in the corner. He tried his best to avoid her.

Jack spots the man who invited him, Frank Sinitra. He thinks, Finally someone I can talk to.

Frank grins as Jack approaches him. They shake hands. "Jack," the actor smiles.

"Frank," Jack replied, nervous.

Frank looks around till his eyes land on Marilyn. He indicated with his eyes for her to come over.

No, Jack thinks in panic. Just make her stay away.

"Marilyn!" Frank said. "This is my good time friend, Senator Jack Kennedy."

Jack smiles at Marilyn and shakes her hand. "Senator," she said in her breathy voice.

Jack tries not to focus on her voice and her body. "Miss Monroe."

Jack knew right here that Marilyn would begin her quest to draw Jack to her side. Jack would not fall for it. He would not fall for her.

This woman abused Jackie, he thinks, anger growing in his chest. And anyone who trashtalks my Jackie will not be loved. They will be an enemy.

Marilyn smiles; trying to flirt with him. "So I heard that you married that girl, Jackie." He noticed the disgust and contempt in her voice.

Jack retorts. "She's great. Very faithful too."

Marilyn smiles. Her smile is icy cold.

"I'm sure she's faithful," she says before spinning away on her heels and walking way.

A feeling of dread settled in Jack's stomach. Marilyn knew. She was like Nixon. She'd been killed, but then came back to the past.

How many more freaks are there out there? Jack wonders. I'm not the only one, but how many people know of my death and are plotting to make sure I die?

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