Echoes of the Past Ch.15

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Jack came back home at around 4:15 in the morning. Jackie was asleep on the bed, snoring quietly. Jack looks at her with tears in his eyes. I love her, I only love her. God, forgive me for cheating on her.

Satisfied, he falls asleep.

He wakes up at the sound of a phone ringing. Jack groans and picks it up. "Hello?"

"It's me," Nixon said.

"What do you want?" Jack asked sleepily.

Nixon snorted. "Sounds like someone's still asleep."

"Shut up, Richard. Tell me what the problem is and I'll look it up," Jack snaps dryly.

"I saw you last night," Richard replies.

Jack felt himself freeze. "You saw Marilyn?"

"She knows, doesn't she?" Nixon ignored his question. "She's a time freak like us."

Jack swallows. "Richard..."

"Yes?" Nixon sounds worried.

"There are more of them out there," Jack says blankly. "Who knows when John Jr. is born he could be one of us."

"I don't get it," he says blankly.

Jack felt his worry and anger rising. "If there are more of them out there, they may have bad intentions. They might try to kill me. Ruin me, savage me like Kruschev did."

Kruschev's name felt bitter in Jack's mouth. Even though, the soviet leader had treated him like crap at the first meeting, they'd grown closer in the years to come. Jack silently wondered if the old man had even decided to come to his funeral.

Nixon's voice snapped him back to the present.

"I get what you mean. Marilyn's one of those crazy people, isn't she?"

Jack felt like crying. "She'll do everything in her power to make sure Jackie and I fallout."

Nixon didn't answer. Jack could see though the wheels spinning in the VP's head. Nixon spoke softly.

"Jack....we can't trust anyone now. Who knows, one time traveler that knows the future like us could be plotting against us at this very minute."

Jack wouldn't admit it but now he was scared. He didn't want to go to Dallas in 1960. What if he shot three years earlier?

"Trust no one," Jack said softly, thinking Nixon wouldn't hear him, but he did.

"That's right," Nixon agreed. "Trust no one."

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