How you meet.

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James- You joined a music school, you were really talented and you could definitely sing. Your mom practically forced you to join and you were grateful that she did.

You walked in and took a seat across from boy with a large quiff and he couldn't his eyes off of you and it made you feel a little bit awkward, but then he started singing and you quickly fell in love.

.Tom- Tom worked at a local Starbucks and let's face it were all frequent customers there. Every time you went in one of the staff flirted with you, my god he was gorgeous

"Carmel frappe?" He questioned when he saw your face,

"Is you memorising my usual a sign the I come here too often?" You laughed as he prepared your drink, you could she that he was smiling uncontrollably and when he asked you for your number you could have been happier.

.Barclay- Barclay was one of your best mates since you were really young, you would always call to his house and play on his water slide when you were kids and as ye grew older you began to fancy each other.

.Reece- You were in the super market and you saw the cutest boy. Before you knew it he was standing next to you looking at the shampoo, *SMASH* He was ashamed, be dropped a jar of nutella next to your feet and it destroyed the floor. You giggled hysterically as Reece turn bright red, You both went to customer services looking for a cleaner and he got your number on the way.

.Jake- You knew jake since you were really young but hadn't seen him in years, His mom called u up wondering if you could babysit his sister Sydney for the day and Jake would be back at about 5 o clock. You were nervous since you and Jake hadn't talked since you were about 6 years old. You had fun minding Sydney, she was such a cutie. Jake came strolling in throwing his keys on the counter and not realising you were there. "Oh my god, y/n? " he said in surprise. You talked for a while realising you had so much in common and ended up growing close with him.

.Chris- Chris was playing a gig with his old band at your mates party, you couldn't keep your eyes off of him while he sang and you felt starstruck when he came and talked to you after he finished singing, You couldn't help but keep the conversation going. He then picked up your phone and wrote in his number, you couldn't wait to call him.

.Charlie- You moved to a new school and you ended up in charlies maths class, The teacher made a seating plan and planted you and charlie next to each other, it was awkward at the beginning but you had to work in pairs and you guys really hit it off.

"your hands are hugee" you exaggerated,

He laughed and you placed your hands together to come pare size, yours hands were tiny compare to his and you both laughed as you struggled to do your algebra question.

.Casey- Casey was the popular one, he was such a flirt to everyone but rarely took a girl on a date. You had such a huge crush on him since you both went to the same school for about a year, you both waited patiently in the line for the cafeteria,

"Y/n, how are you?" He said in a quite sexy voice,

You made small talk for a little while when he asked you to call over to his house in the evening, he never does this and all of your friends were so jealous.

Idk I'm not an amazing writer. I kinda like reeces one though. Its like something that would happen to poor little reecey .

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