Birthday present (4/8)

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James: You had a pretty average party, sleep over with James, pop corn, movie and cuddles.. You were having so much fun and couldn't be more grateful for the life you had. James shuffled his was around you so you both sat looking at eachother, legs crossed and sitting on the floor.

He took a box out from behind the TV.

Y/n: "wtf is this jamess?" You didn't want him to get you a present!

James: "its just something small"

You opened the box... "James" you said gentally and looking him deep in the eyes, He had got you a deliacte silver necklace, you had been looking at it for so long but it was too expensive to buy.

"Let me put it on you?" He said and you pulled you long hair to on side.

You could feel his breath on you shoulders and he rapped him arms around yours.

Tom: Tom cooked you a romantic meal and set up a fancy table in the middle of his apartment near the window, he had a view of lights from his window, at the end of you meal tom picked up his guitar,

Y/n: "oh dear god this is going to be proper cheesy isn't it?"

Tom: "probably now shhh"

It wasn't cheesy, it was really beautiful and you began to cry and so many emotions came out together when he expressed him favourite things about you in a song.

Barclay: Barclay and you went out for the night, he made the plans and you ended up going to a cowboy themed restaurant, you walked in expecting candles and romance as you were dressed in heels and a dress but it was just a cowboy themed karaoke bar,

Y/n: "wtf Barclay, this is so random" you said giggling.

Barclay: "the chicken is amazing here" he said shruging and laughing too. You both got your drinks and barclay stood up and just walked away.. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderfully weird boy friend you thought to yourself. He went up on stage, "Omg barcss what are you doing" you mouthed to a deaf, and clearly blind Barclay. Then he started "yodel-ey-he-odel" he danced

You were obsessed with him yodelling, it was so crazy and he would never do it.

Every cheered him on and then there's you not sure to be shamed or to cheer, so you do both

Casey: Casey invited you over for your birthday, you were just having a sleep over and maybe have a few drinks, You sat in Casey's room waiting for him to come home, you heard the front door close. You immediately got excited but prentended to be chikk sitting in his bed, he walked in and sat before you.

Casey: "babe close your eyes"

Y/n: "oh hi to u too casee" you laughed as you placed your hands over you eyes.

He left for about ten seconds and then came back and sat back down

Casey: "now open them", u opened your eyes to see a little pug sitting in front of you with a red ribbon around his kneck. "Wait? You didn't get this for me did you?" You said excited but nervously

Casey: " I got it for us hun, he's ours and his name is victor" he was joking..we named him Matty and I couldn't believe he bought me it because I never stop talking about them

Ayee vas happenin? I'll do the rest of these tomorrow cause im tired and school so yeahI don't got much to say so... Stay sexy!! 

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