your problem - Tom

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Tom~ anxiety.

As you sat in the middle of McDonald's with tom by your side you couldnt have felt happier.
He was holding you hand and being all romantic and cute, you were both being all silly and adorable. He kissed you nose and then got a message on his phone... Fuck...

James: "aye mate, you in McDonald's now? There's some fans there and they tweeted telling everyone where you are... Just a heads up"

Tom searched around worried and then made his way onto twitter, you guys hadn't told the fandom you were in a relationship so there was a few thousand tom girls crying and claiming tom was "lying" all along, there was pictures of you and tom with rude captions about you..

Tom explained the situation to you, Suddenly a crowd of fangirls piled in and you were practically cornered.

Your heart began to race, your breathing increasing to hyperventilation, your eyes began to fill with tears and you were having a bad pannick attack.

You always had anxiety but haven't had a pannick attack since you were 14.

"Babe, its okay... Hold my hand and I'll get you thr- " he looked to you and saw you were pannicking and crying.

"Awh no y/n don't do this" he said catching a tighter grip on you hand as you heard somebody call you a whore. Tom picked u up and carried you through the fans and you both went home immediately.

When you reached home you left tom and went into your bedroom and sat down on the floor with your hands in your hair and tears rolling down your eyes... The panick attack happened so suddenly that I was in bearable.

"Babbee?? Come down stairs!!" Tom shouted. You sorted your self out, fixed your hair and make up and walked down stairs to see tom sitting in front of his laptop which was positioned on the table with a microphone in front of it.

"Let's tell the world" he smiled pulling you onto his lap and he tweeted announcing a twitcam.

The twitcam began and you sat along side him.
"Guys, today wasn't okay... Some of you guys were very disrespectful towards y/n... I know you might be upset and thats okay too but you all have no idea how much it hurt y/n"
Tom said in the kindest way possible. You smiled at the camera in a cute way but also getting emotional thinking about earlier on.

"Now let's start off on a better foot... This is y/n, she's my girlfriend and I'm absolutely crazy about her" he looked into your eyes
"She's the love of my life" he said almost whispering and he kissed you on the nose.

People began to comment and they were supportive.
Comments like:
"Omg she's so beautiful"
"Awhh goals" and loads of other things made you smile, your relationship was out and I was supported and you had never been more in love!

Heyy guys!! Idk anxiety was a tricky one to write about... I hope you enjoy and if you did leave a rating cause it means a lot

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