"Hello, I am General Hoseok of Village affairs. I take care of all of the Villagers."

"And I am Jungkook, the Army General." he said with a grin

"Well, it is nice to meet all of you. You seem to know His Majesty very well."

"We grew up with him. Our parents were very good friends with his parents."

"I see. But what do you mean by were?"

"It is a long-"

"They were killed by dragons." everyone was shocked that the King replied so bluntly

"Your Majesty-"

"It is alright General Jin. I will not keep secrets from her." he nodded as a response

"Dragons?" Now everyone was looking at me

"Yes. What is it?"

"I love dragons." Everyone gasped except Taehyung; he seemed very hurt.

Gosh, I need to work on my filter...

"General Min take her to her room."

"Yes, Your Majesty." He bowed the ushered me to bow as well so we could leave, all the while the princess was smirking at me, we walked back the same way we came and we reached my door and I knew he wanted to say something but beat him to it

"Don't worry. I am fine, don't force yourself to say anything, I know you're not the type to do so." He looked utterly shocked but I ignored it and walked into my room and shut the door..

Taehyung POV:

-Throne Room-

She loves the things that killed my parents....I know she didn't mean it in a bad way but it still hurts...I would have never expected that from her though I thought I knew everything there is to know about her, I thought she would have the same likes and hates as me, which makes me wonder what else I don't know about her...

"My Majesty?" broke my thoughts and noticed Eun Soo had put her hand on my face, but I immediately removed her hand

"I am fine. Servants, please send the Princess to her room." They did as told and I teleported to an old friend, the Wizard

-The Mountain-

I walked around until his voice reached my ears

"So what do I owe for the gift of seeing you during this important time?" I was eager to know the answers to my questions so I skipped the greetings

"Can you see into Y/N's past?"

"Eager aren't you.  I can, but why?"

"She is the complete opposite of me. I want to be prepared for everything."

"Complete? No, not possible. Different? Maybe.  One cannot be prepared for everything, but what has happened?"

"....she said she loves...dragons."

"Did she? Well, not all turn out as we expect.." I went to ask what he meant but put his hand up to signal not to talk, then put his hand on a floating orb, after a few seconds he opened his eyes

"Well, that is unfortunate. She is very different than what we expected her to be."

"In what way?"

"When I took your wants in your soulmate they automatically formed one that fits you in all areas, but you made a decision that completely changed everything..How do I put this? You got the flower you wanted, but not the color since you planted it in the wrong soil. She is much different now because she went through many problems that changed her heart, but that is not for me to say. You must ask her." the wrong color? soil? much different? But he was right I must ask her, so I should hurry.

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