Chapter 2

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I started running faster and faster. It was dark out . I could see all the stars from up above & i started thinking about my brother once again. I looked around there was only trees. I realized i was in the middle of some woods , who knows where. I started getting cold and tired so i stopped on a tree trunk and sat , while taking my hoodie out of my backpack. I then Got some snacks since i was starving now. I sat there and though about what just had happend, i regretted running away from home , i mean where was i suppose to go? Im so stupid i thought , i was wondering if my parents had realized i was missing yet . Had they called the police ? Were they worried about me? Or did they just not care and they where just sitting there in silence like always? All this questions and thoughts going through my head driving me crazy. I looked at my shivering legs. I was wearing a floral dress, that went with my brunet hair and skin tone. I had big brown eyes, and dimples which was basically the only thing i liked about myself . I was shy . My thoughts speaked louder than any words i said. I closed my eyes and all the memories before my family was torned a part came to my mind . When we would watch movies together every friday night. When we would go on our amazing vacations to florida, paris , California. Damn we were so happy i thought . What did i possibly do to deserve a miserable life now? I looked around , i was scared of the dark, like most teenage girls, but i just closed my eyes and forgot about everything and slowly fell asleep ....

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